Chapter 9: Search For The Stones

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Tony and I flew up to the top of the Avengers Tower, with him in his Mark 85 suit and me with my metal wings and white suit.

'Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here,' Tony spoke to Steve over the earpieces. Putting my hand to my head, I did a telepathic search for Steve and found him walking towards an elevator.

'Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now.'

'I'm going in, Tony. Do you copy?' I asked.

'Copy.' I flew in, with Tony on my heels. We crept up to the main room, where we saw the whole host of the Avengers standing around, surrounding Loki (2012) laying on the floor, his hands up in the air.

'If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now,' he spoke. Then Tony Stark (2012) said, in that arrogant tone I knew only too well,

'All right, get him on his feet. We can stand around posing up a storm later. By the way, feel free to clean up.'

'You were so arrogant then, Tony,' I whispered, elbowing him.

'Shut up, Lehnsherr.' I broke away from Tony and went to go find Steve. Just then I heard Tony say over the earpieces. 'Uh, Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot that that suit... did nothing for your ass. Yours too, Lehnsherr.' I groaned.

'No one asked you to look, Tony,' Steve and I said in unison.

'Steve, I'm on my way down to you,' I said.

'Copy that, Phoenix.'

'It's ridiculous,' Tony spoke. Just then Scott's voice broke over the earpieces.

'I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass.' Then there was radio silence for a while as Tony turned back to the group of Avengers standing around, regrouping with the scepter.

'Uh, magic wand?' Natasha Romanoff (2012) asked.

'STRIKE team's coming to secure it,' Tony Stark (2012) replied. Just then a host of the STRIKE team came in, preceded by Brock Rumlow and Agent Jasper Sitwell.

'We can take that off your hands,' Sitwell (2012) spoke to Natasha.

'By all means,' Natasha replied, handing him the scepter. 'Be careful with that thing.'

'Unless you want your mind erased,' Clint Barton (2012) chimed in. 'And not in a fun way.'

'We promise to be careful,' Sitwell replied, placing the scepter in a metal case.

'Who are these guys?' Scott Lang (2023) chipped in over the earpieces.

'They are SHIELD... well, actually HYDRA,' I replied. 'But we didn't know that yet.'

'Seriously, you didn't? I mean, they look like bad guys.'

'You're small,' Tony admonished, 'but you're talking really loud.' Just then Steve Rogers (2012) spoke into the earpieces of the rest of the 2012 Avengers.

'On my way down to coordinate search and rescue. Adelaide, with me.'

'Copy that,' Adelaide Lehnsherr (me, 2012) replied. He began to walk away.

'On my way down to coordinate search and rescue,' Loki (2012) copied in a almost robotic-sounding voice as he shape-shifted into Steve Rogers (2012). Then he shifted back into Loki. 'I mean, honestly! How do you think you'll be-' Thor Odinson (2012) slapped a device over his mouth.

'Shut up.' The rest of the Avengers, minus myself and Steve (2012), marched Loki to the elevator. Tony Stark (2023) began to speak.

'All right, you're up, little buddy.' This was to Scott. 'There's our stone.' Upon a telepathic search, we had eyes not only on the scepter, which housed the Mind Stone, but also on the Tesseract, which contained the Space Stone.

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