Chapter 20: Suffering Gone; Happiness At Last

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Needless to say, there were many joyful moments that night. It turned out that I got to reunite with my mother, Amelia Pearson and soon enough, her and my father Erik Lehnsherr declared their love for each other and were married in a private ceremony with myself, Bucky, Charles Xavier and most of the teachers and older students of the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in attendance two short days after mine and Bucky's wedding. It was indeed joyful.

Later (the night after Erik and Amelia's wedding)...

I felt Bucky nearest me, stroking my hair that night as we laid in our bed together. Ever since we had been married, we were taking up residence at the Xavier Mansion. It was convenient, given I could teach at the school while Bucky and I looked for a small house to raise our daughter, Shannon, and perhaps make room to keep expanding our family. But that was a big 'IF.'

'You awake?' I heard Bucky whisper. I mumbled something incoherent. 'Are you awake?' he repeated.

'Yes,' I said, my voice barely going above a whisper. 'What is it?'

'Do you ever think about maybe, growing our family?'

'What, having more kids?'

'Yes,' he said innocently. I shifted my position in the bed so that I was facing him. He rolled over to face me and my hand brushed his bare chest. Taking my hand, he kissed my knuckles and then placed my hand on his warm, broad chest. I smiled, feeling his heartbeat beneath my fingertips.

'I haven't thought about it. Somehow, I feel one kid is enough. We don't need more. Shannon's already a handful as it is.'

'And yet you're still tracking down the whereabouts of the two. The boy and the girl. What were their names again?'

'Wolfgang von Strucker and Emily Barnes.' At this, his face went deadpan.

'Emily Barnes?'

'Yes. Back in HYDRA, they genetically experimented on us. They used our DNA combined to create Emily. They trained her under us. She's about 15 now, if my sources are correct.'

'And the boy?'

'He is my son, but his father was Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, the one that took me in 2015 after what happened in D.C. with HYDRA, when I was living with you in Sokovia. Baron Strucker raised me as an owner raises his pet, with some sort of sick love. But we grew closer, and he trusted me. That was when HYDRA genetically experimented on me for the second time, and that time, Wolfgang was created. We found it appropriate to name him after his father. At the moment, he should be eight years old. And Shannon is five. That would be three kids, well - two, plus a teenager, who would already have her powers, so we would swiftly outnumbered. They're both orphans and wards of the state. We'd have to get birth certificates and everything, to claim them as being their birth parents, especially for Emily, 'cause Emily's ours. But not by natural causes. By-'

'Genetic experimentation,' he finished for me.

'Right. We'd have to tread lightly if we want this to work. But I would prefer to have a house first before we do that.'

'We should do it now. If worst comes to worst, the people here at the mansion can care for our children. Especially Emily and Wolfgang. They will need help with their powers, and so will Shannon, when the time arises.'

'I know, Buck. I'm just - I'm - I'm - I-'

'Speak for yourself, love. What is it?'

'I'm just worried. These kids, they probably don't remember me and especially Emily, she's gonna be under such a grudge towards us if she remembers what we did to her.'

'What we were forced to do to her. Remember that.'

'But we were forced to punch her, to beat her, to fight her, goddammit! For sport. So that the men would have entertainment. So that they would have something to bet on.'

'I know, love. It's okay. It's okay.' He patted my bare back as I leaned into his chest, feeling his warmth beneath me. After a few moments of silence, I spoke.

'Steve leaves tomorrow.'

'He does?'


'To return the stones.'


'You said that like something was going to happen.'

'I know something is going to happen. I've seen bits and pieces, a glimpse here, a glimpse there. But nothing that didn't tell me anything of what he was planning to do once he finished with the stones.'

'What did he want to do?'

'I know what he's going to do, Buck. I just can't tell you.'

'Why? You know you can tell me anything.'

'I can't, though. I just can't. Steve told me not to. He saw what I saw in his future.'

'What happens to him? Adelaide, he's my best friend. I need to know.'

'It's a good future. Have I ever lied to you?'

'No, you never have.'

'And I never shall. Which is not exactly true, but I won't lie to you. I can see light in his future.' He smiled and kissed me sleepily.

'Cuddle up close,' he said softly. I put my leg on his, gently, then moved my position so that I was half-sleeping on the bed, half-sleeping on him. He put his vibranium arm around me and kissed my forehead, lingering on the wine-and-chocolate scent of my brown curls. 'Your hair smells good.'

'Go to sleep,' I said, playfully nipping his neck with my teeth. He winced, then kissed me again and again, letting himself go a little too far when he nipped my neck, then kissed the spot he had nipped and kept kissing me on the corner of the mouth, then my cheek and then my lips again. We both exchanged a furious amount of kisses. When we had both exhausted our fill of love, we fell fast asleep on the bed together, my head nestled underneath his chin and his arms tucked around me.

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