Chapter 18: One Long Night

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It had been a long night. I had probably drank a little too much wine, and we were walking on the grounds of the Xavier Mansion after our date, with the evening stars poking through the trees and through the clouds. We were holding hands, with my right metal hand in his left metal hand. Our pace was slow and lazy, with our hands swinging. After a while, we stopped and sat down on a bench. I laid my head on his shoulder and for a while, we were still, watching the world pass by as the clouds rolled over mildly and opened again to reveal the stars. I tucked my legs under me and let myself lay in Bucky's lap. He played with my hair absentmindedly, letting his hand run over the strands lightly as I nearly fell asleep. The moments passed in long strides. After a while, I sat up and leaned my head on his shoulder again. He gently kissed me on the lips with the lightest of touches.

'I missed you all those years, Buck,' I said softly. 'I'm glad we're together again.'

'I love you, Adelaide. Which is why...' and with that he slipped off the bench and got on one knee in front of me. I put my hands over my mouth. 'Like I said, I love you. With all of my heart. With all that I am. You're my special girl, always have been, always will be. I love you. Your differences, your preferences, your faults, your pain, your powers, your scars... they make you who you are. And I love every single one of them. Everything about you makes you special. And I love you. So...' and at this he withdrew a velvet box out of his pocket, '... I want to ask you to marry me. For the second time. The first time I opened this box to you, we were going together, into the ice. We were conquering pain and fear together. We were becoming better, together. I admit the last time it was extremely rushed, but I couldn't think of any other time. And we were happy during those two years. Those years, we had peace. We were happy. And then Thanos happened and we were separated from each other by pain and war. I was broken and so were you. I missed you terribly during those five years. But now, like you said, we're together again. We get to raise our daughter, together. No matter what, we will do this life, this journey, together. So, will you marry me, and make me the happiest man ever?' I nodded, tears slipping down my cheeks.

'Yes!' I exclaimed tearfully. 'Yes, yes... forever yes.' I slipped off the bench, threw my arms around him and kissed him passionately. He lifted me up and I sat on his lap. Taking my small hand in his large one, he slipped the ring on my finger and we kissed again. I ran my hands through the strands of his hair as we kissed deeper. Gently, he picked me up in his arms and we went into the house. Up the stairs we went until we came to my bedroom. With that, he set me down. I whimpered, a low, pitiful whimper, and I gave him puppy-dog eyes.

'Don't look at me like that,' he said, laughing tenderly. Looking down at my eyes, his gaze slipped to my lips. Leaning down, he kissed me again and again. I gave a low moan as I allowed his tongue to slip between my teeth. I felt his hands on my hips, roaming over them with eagerness. I could feel the desire in his touches and I responded in kind, my hands slipping onto his neck and playing with the strands of his hair at the base of his neck. When we released, with our foreheads touching, I panted deeply. Our breathing was in sync as we both recovered from the kiss.

'I love you, Bucky.'

'You too, Adelaide.'

'Stay with me.'

'I can't... baby. I can't. I want to, but we'll be able to do that once we get married. Okay? Just hang in there.'

'I will, Buck Buck.' I kissed him again and again and he responded in like kind.

'Be careful... we might lose ourselves,' he said with a warning edge in his voice.

'I would like that. But I know we have to wait.'

'We do. Goodnight, my love.' He released me.

'Goodnight, Bucky.' He gave me one more peck on the lips before going off to his room just down the hall. Before he entered the room, he glanced at me, a soft, kind look in his eyes, just before he entered our respective rooms. Taking my clothing off, I went to have a shower, smiling at the thoughts running through my head. When I had changed into a nightgown, I climbed into bed and fell fast asleep, still smiling.

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