Chapter 15: The Last War

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Falcon zoomed in from above. Soon enough, several more portals opened, with the Wakandan soldiers, Bucky, Rocket, Groot, the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Wong, the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Ravager ships from... well, space, Valkyrie and the Asgardian soldiers, Korg, Meik, Wanda Maximoff, Wasp (Hope Van-Dyne) and Pepper Potts with her Iron Man/Woman suit on. Several thousands of the heroes gathered to fight against Thanos and his terrible army. Suddenly, Ant-Man, transformed into Giant-Man, came up out of the ground with Rhodey, Rocket and Bruce... ready and waiting for the fight. We all lined up as Steve gave the battle cry.

'AVENGERS...' There was silence. Then Steve caught the hammer. 'Assemble.' We yelled our battle cries and rushed into the fight, several of us running or flying. During the fight, I was fighting off two Outriders when I suddenly heard a gun fire and the Outrider that was attempting to bite off my arm fell off of me. Bucky came up to me, a calm yet fiery look in his eyes. We shared a look. When he had fought off another Outrider, he came up to me and we kissed in the middle of the battlefield.

'I thought I'd lost you,' I breathed.

'Never again, Adelaide. Never again.' Kissing me one more time, we ran back into the fighting with all the energy we could muster. Just then I heard Clint over the earpieces.

'Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?'

'Get those stones as far away as possible!' Steve yelled back.

'No, we get to get them back where they came from!' I shouted.

'No way to get them back,' Tony shouted over the earpieces. 'Thanos destroyed the Quantum Tunnel.'

'That wasn't our only time machine.' Scott chimed in. Just then we heard the sound of a car horn beeping loudly.

'Anyone see an ugly, brown van up there?' I heard Steve ask. I flew up to higher ground to find the van and Valkyrie flew up next to me.

'Yes, but you're not gonna like where it's parked!' I heard Valkyrie shout.

'Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?' Tony asked.

'Maybe ten minutes.'

'Just sit tight, Scott,' I replied. 'Get it started. 'We'll get the stones to you.'

As the battle continued, the gauntlet passed from person to person until finally, it reached Peter Parker. During the fight, I felt something in my mind. Someone reading it... no, sending a message. Crouching behind a rock, I listened carefully to the voice and almost broke down crying. 'Find us, Adelaide. Find us. China. Find us. Only you can help us stop the Sentinels. I don't know if you can read me, or if you're even still alive, but if you can hear me, my love,... Find us.

Snapping out of the mind reading connection, I made my way through the fight. Running over to Bucky, I grabbed his arm. 'Buck!' He turned to me, and for a moment, he had a wild look in his eyes. But then he softened.

'What is it?'

'I have to go.'

'Wait - what?'

'I have to go, Buck!' I repeated. 'My people need me. They're in danger and in pain... they need my help.' Leaning down, he swiftly kissed me.

'Go. Be swift... be safe.'

'I have more injuries on me than I can count, but I promise I will be safe. Find me in Westchester when this is all said and done.'

'I love you!' he shouted as I backed away from him.

'I love you too!' Then I, putting my hand to my head, using my telepathy, I searched the minds of the last mutants fighting against the Sentinels and found one who could create portals. (In italics is her thoughts.) 'Blink, get me to China.' All of a sudden, a bluish-purple portal opened and I jumped through it, my sword open and ready for battle.

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