Chapter 12: Are You Magneto's Daughter?

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New Jersey. 1970.

'Clearly, you weren't actually born here, right?' Tony asked as we walked through the military installation where skinny Steve Rogers was transformed into Captain America. I was wearing an Army suit with my dark hair tucked in a tan-coloured hat. I smirked at this question.

'The idea of me was,' Steve muttered, just loud enough so that Tony and I could hear it.

'Right. Well, imagine you're SHIELD, running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organisation. Where do you hide it?'

'In plain sight.' Just as Tony was about to go to the elevator, I grabbed his arm.

'Tony... what year is this again?' He looked at me and I looked down at my watch.

'Shit,' I said, facepalming myself.

'What?' Steve asked, looking at me.

'The year is 1970. Eight years after the Cuban Missile Crisis. The world doesn't forget that easy.'

'What do you mean?'

'I was on a beach in Cuba, with my father and the X-Men. I'm a mutant. I helped Erik kill his childhood enemy. I shouldn't have come. The world will still be after me. I tried to stop the missiles from hitting the ships, but... it was only stopped when Charles was paralysed.'

'It's too late now.'

'I know, Tony. I'll go with Steve. You take the Tesseract, I'll go with Steve to acquire the Pym Particles.'

'Sounds good to me,' Steve replied. Taking his hand, he and I walked to the elevator and the three of us stepped in. As the elevator slid down into the inner chambers of the military base, I squeezed Steve's hand with sweaty fingers, my pulse racing. A lady was near us in the elevator. Then the elevator stopped and Tony walked out.

'Good luck on your mission, Captain,' Tony said.

'Good luck on your - project, Doctor,' he replied. Then the doors shut and the elevator went down further.

'You new here?' the lady asked Steve.

'Not exactly.'

'How about you?'

'Same here,' I replied. She stared at me curiously, furrowing her brows, almost as if trying to place where the colour of my eyes was from or who I really was. But she looked down again, and I let go of Steve's hand, still majorly holding my breath.

Meanwhile, Tony was searching for the Tesseract. Taking a old briefcase on a wheelchair, he came over to each of the large containers until he found what he was looking for. Using his Iron Man glove, he lasered the doors apart. Right before him was the glowing blue cube. Reaching in, he pulled the Tesseract out.

'Gotcha. Back in the game.' Closing the doors, he snapped the briefcase shut. Just then there was a voice.

'Arnim, you in there?' the voice called. Arnim!' He saw Tony there. A flicker of recognition flashed across Tony's face. It was none other than Howard Stark, Tony's long-gone dad, but here, in the flesh. 'Hey!' He called out. 'The door's this way, pal.'

'Oh, yeah,' Tony replied.

'I'm looking for Doctor Zola, have you seen him?' asked Howard, waving around a sauerkraut can and a bouquet of brightly-coloured flowers.

'Yeah, no, Doctor Zol-' he stammered out, almost tripping on the chair. 'No, I haven't seen a soul. Pardon me.' He placed the briefcase down on the chair.

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