Chapter 17: Growing Apart From The Past

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It had been at least a week since I had heard of Tony's death. I was brokenhearted, but I was slightly consoled by the fact that he had given his life to stop Thanos. And I was grateful, because of his sacrifice, I had Bucky. But over that period of grief, I was coming to a decision, one that would give me more freedom, but was a very difficult decision. It came to it, when one day, I had to talk to Charles about the decision I had made. I came into the office later on this particular day to see Rogue and Bobby Drake sitting together talking with the Professor. When I entered, the three all turned their heads towards me.

'Adelaide, come in,' Charles said. I slipped in.

'I hope I'm not bothering something here,' I said.

'No,' Charles replied. 'Rogue and Bobby were making plans to get married.'

'Oh, wow...' I trailed off, my hand clasping over my mouth. When I took my hand off of my mouth, I spoke, 'That's excellent, Rogue, Bobby. That is really good. Well done. The kids have already been talking. The kids in my psychology class, anyway. They decided they'd come up with a ship name for you two. They gave a unanimous vote this morning.'

'A ship name?' Bobby asked, tilting his head. He and Rogue, I had become good friends with, with Bobby teaching me to master my ice powers and Rogue teaching me to master my fire powers. The two looked genuinely interested. I scratched the back of my head, completely not knowing what to say.

'Its Robby.' Rogue laughed, a light, melodious sound.

'Robby? Oh, God, that's so cute!' Eventually Bobby joined in and so did the Professor. When we all stopped laughing, I turned to the Professor.

'Charles, I need to speak to you alone.' His brows furrowed. 'I need to, Charles. It's important.'

'Alright. Rogue, Bobby, you can go.' The happy couple went out of the room, laughing and smiling. When the sound of their laughing and talking had filtered down the hall, I shut the doors to Charles' office and turned to face him. 'You had something to discuss,' he said in a mild tone.

'Yes.' I sat down. Taking a deep breath, I began. 'Ever since I've been resting and healing here, I've been... well, thinking.'

'About what?'

'I've been thinking about getting a divorce.' His eyes widened slightly, then he spoke, saying something I was not expecting.

'The same has been on my mind as well.'

'Has it?'

'Yes. I've seen how you and Barnes are with each other. You are in love with him.'

'Yes,' I admitted. I lowered my head. 'I'm really sorry. What we've done here... together, spending 30 years perfecting this school and making it a haven for young mutants... I would do it over again in a heartbeat. Raising our children, nurturing and building up the X-Men, as well as this school, taking everything in stride, from Shaw, to Erik, to Jean Grey... I would do it over again. The pain, the joy, all of it.'

'I understand,' he replied softly. 'You have my permission if you seek a divorce. Are there other reasons why this is happening?'

'Yes. I feel as though we rushed. We were so young... so in love, and we didn't think.'

'We didn't think of the future. I agree with you. But none of us could see what happened in the future, your coma, your years in suffering under HYDRA - we couldn't predict that coming. We didn't know what was going to happen. We were blind to it. Have you spoken to your father yet?'

'No. I don't think he'd agree with me marrying a human.'

'You should speak to him. If you gave Erik room to express his feelings, he might be forgiven for having a not-so-open mind. He's a complicated man, Adelaide. And you are marrying a complicated man. Give your father time and hear him out.'

'I will, Charles. Thank you for hearing me out.' I stood up and when I came to the doorknob, I placed my hand on it and let it linger there, still not fully comprehending my actions.

'Why do you hesitate?'

'I don't think I should do this.'

'If it's really what you want - what makes you happy, you should do it.'

'I - I don't want to break anyone's hearts. I don't want to hurt anyone.'

'You've changed, Adelaide. We all have, in one way or another. And with change comes new decisions. With change comes more change. And we must accept it.'

'But I - I can't comprehend what I've just done. Again, what I've done here with you, I feel as though I could do it over again. I love this school... the X-Men... what it stands for... it's a true gem in my memories. I've missed this place. I've missed the memories I've created here, with you.'

'I have too. All those years together, living, loving suffering... yes, we rushed, but we did it together. We did it together, Adelaide. We were blind, yes, but we were blind together.' Tears came to my eyes at hearing this.

'I love you, Charles,' I said, turning to him. 'I love you. More than words could say.' Charles pushed his wheelchair out from behind his desk.

'I love you too, Adelaide. I'll have the papers on your desk by tomorrow. Are you leaving soon?'

'No. When Bucky and I get a house, then yes. Until then, we'll be here.'

'Alright.' He was about to wheel out of the office doors, when I called out to him. He turned his chair around to face me.

'Please don't take it the wrong way.'

'How could I? You're my oldest friend.' And with that, he wheeled out and I followed him.

I stood in my room, putting on the blue dress that Raven had given me. Giving a small sigh of happiness, I put on my locket necklace, the one that Erik had given me all those years ago, after Nina's death, before the coma, before HYDRA, before the Avengers... before Bucky. That thought brought me back to why I was dressing up so nice. Bucky and I were going out on a date. I was, honestly, still reeling from my sudden divorce to Charles, but I had still agreed to go out with Bucky. Besides, he said he had a surprise for me, and God knows how much I loved surprises.

Bucky was waiting downstairs, tapping his foot. He knew it took a while, but he was impatient. He had struggled to get along with Adelaide's immensely complicated father, Erik, but he knew the man was just trying to protect his daughter. His vibranium hand glanced gently over the engagement ring velvet box in his pocket, thinking about what it would be like when he gave this to his girl. If she would say yes. He desperately hoped she had spoken to Charles, that things had been arranged in the proper fashion. He was finally ready to propose to her. Finally ready to declare his love, once and for all, to his one true love, the only girl that he had ever fallen in love with. And yet... there was a lingering feeling that he didn't deserve her. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a clicking of heels and a soft voice upon the stairs.

'Bucky.' He looked up to see his Adelaide in a sleeveless, strapless blue dress with a split leg, revealing her right leg as she walked. His mouth nearly fell open. She was beautiful. She was wearing a gold locket that hung around her neck and just settled on her chest. She stepped down the final stair and looked to her right. To Bucky's left. There was Erik.

'Adelaide,' he said in a soft, deep, fatherly voice. He kissed her cheek. 'You look beautiful. Just like your mother. She would be proud.'

'Thank you, Daddy.' Then his gaze fell on Bucky.

'Take care of her,' he said, his voice hardening slightly. She lightly elbowed him, perhaps reminding her father Erik to behave. But Bucky was expecting this.

'I will,' he replied confidently. Then he held out his hand to Adelaide. 'Shall we?' She took his hand and they walked out together.

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