Chapter 21: For The Last Time

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Several days later (in the woods outside the Avengers Facility)...

I stood there with Bucky and Sam as Bruce prepared to send Steve back in time to take the stones to their proper places in time.

'Now remember -' Bruce was saying, 'you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them. Or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.'

'Don't worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches,' he replied.

'You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, when I had the stones, I really tried to bring her back.' He glanced at Steve sadly. 'I miss them, man.'

'Me too.'

'You know, if you want, I can come with you,' Sam piped up.

'You're a good man, Sam. This one's on me, though.' Steve came over to Bucky and I.

'Don't you two do anything stupid until I get back,' he chided.

'How can we?' Bucky said with a small smile on his face. 'You're taking all the stupid with you.' They hugged and Steve turned to me.

'Take care of him, Lehnsherr.'

'It's Barnes now. And I will.' He hugged me, then Bucky spoke.

'Gonna miss you, buddy.'

'It's gonna be okay, Buck.' He and I shared a look, then he went to the platform and stepped on it, donning his quantum suit.

'You know, if you want, I can come with,' I called out. He looked at me.

'It's okay. Like I said, this one's on me.'

'Roger that, Cap,' I said, mock saluting him. He cracked a smile.

'How long is this gonna take?' Sam asked Bruce.

'For him, as long as he needs. For us? Five seconds. Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?'

'You bet,' he replied confidently. He picked up the hammer Mjolnir (2013) as his quantum suit helmet slid over his head.

'Going quantum in three - two - one-' Then Steve disappeared. 'And returning in five - four - three - two - one-' He pressed the button, but he didn't come back. Bucky and I shared a nervous look, glancing around, hoping to spot the blonde super soldier. But there was nothing. Bruce pressed some more buttons anxiously.

'Where is he?' Sam demanded.

'I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here.' Bucky and I turned around and looked towards the water. We saw a figure sitting on a log, staring out towards the lake. My eyes narrowed and Bucky and I shared another look.

'It can't be...' I breathed out.

'Well, get him back!'

'I'm trying!' Bruce snapped back.

'Get him the hell back!'

'Hey, I said, I'm trying!'

'Sam,' Bucky and I said at the same time as we glanced towards the figure sitting nearest the water. Now Bruce had noticed him and all three of us, minus Bruce, walked down to the water to meet him.

'Go ahead,' Bucky said softly, and Sam stepped forward. He looked at me, and I gave him a small nod, barely imperceptible. 

'Cap?' He turned.

'Hi, Sam,' he said softly. 

'So... did something go wrong, or did something go right?' He cracked a smile.

'Well, after I put the stones back, I thought, maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get.'

'How'd that work out?'

'It was beautiful,' he said, almost whispering, looking out to the water again. I smiled. I knew who he was talking about. His Peggy. He was finally with her.

'I'm happy for you. Truly.'

'Thank you.' There was a bit of silence before I spoke.

'Only thing bumming me out is the fact that I have to live in a world without Captain America.' 

'Oh, that reminds me.' Next to him, I saw Steve open a large circular leather case, which I presumed was the shield. 'Try it on.' Sam looked over to Bucky and I, to which the latter nodded subtly. Sam slipped it onto his arm. 'How does it feel?' the elderly Steve Rogers asked.

'Like it belongs to someone else.'

'It isn't.' Tears sprang to my eyes at hearing this. It appeared that Sam was trying to hold back tears as well. 

'Thank you. I'll do my best,' I heard him say slowly, carefully. 

'That's why it's yours,' Steve replied, shaking Sam's hand, showing the wedding ring on it. 

'You want to tell me about her?' I heard Sam ask, gesturing to the ring. He looked back towards Bucky and I and smiled at me, as though he had picked up that I knew about Peggy.

'No. No, I don't think I will.'

In the 1940's...

Peggy and Steve danced to the lyrics of the song 'It's Been A Long, Long Time' in the home, with the door left open, not a care in the world for the two lovers. Peggy lifted her head from Steve's chest, and he opened his eyes. Closing their eyes, they shared a soft kiss.

In 2023...

Bucky and I danced to the same song in the living room of the Xavier Mansion in Westchester. He held me in his arms. He spun me around once, then twice. I nearly stumbled uncomfortably, due to my metal leg and nearly fell on the couch, had Bucky not caught me. Pulling me over to the couch, we sat down and I curled up in his arms. We sat there, staring into the fire. All was right in the world... for now. Sitting up, my legs still tucked under me, we faced each other, then shared a short, albeit passionate kiss together.

There was so many other adventures that we could go on.

But, for now, the world could wait for the two of us.

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