Chapter 11: One More Shot

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Steve and I landed in the alleyway, with the scepter, fresh from defeating our past selves... of which I was not exactly proud of.

'Cap-' we heard Tony's voice. We saw Tony and Scott sitting in a broken, dusty car in the alleyway. Tony was holding his head and Scott - well, he looked like there was no hope left. I knew they didn't have the Tesseract, which means we were screwed if we didn't find a damn option to go on with. 'Sorry, buddy. We got a problem.'

'Huh, yeah we do,' Scott snapped.

'Well, what are we gonna do now?' I asked.

'You know what? Just give me a break, Lehnsherr. I just got hit in the head with the Hulk.'

'I know.' Scott got up and out of the car and shutting the door, he started to yell randomly at Tony.

'You said that we had one shot. This - this was our shot. We shot it. It's shot. Six stones or nothing. Six stones or nothing-'

'You're repeating yourself, you know that? You're repeating yourself,' Tony snapped back.

'You're repeating yourself. You're repeating yourself. You know - No.'

'Dude, come on.'

'You never wanted a time heist, you went on board with the time heist-'

'I dropped the ball,' Tony replied, hanging his head.

'You ruined the time heist.'

'Is that what I did?'


'Just shut the hell up, Scott!' I yelled at him. He fell silent, but only for a moment.

'Are there any other options with the Tesseract?'

'No, no, no, there's no other options,' Scott shouted, slamming the car door. 'There's no do-overs! We're not going anywhere else! We have one particle left! Each. That's it, alright! We use that - bye bye. You're not going home!'

'Yeah, well, if we don't try, then no one else is going home, either,' Steve shot back.

'He's right,' I said softly. 'We have to find a way.' Tony looked thoughtful. Then, he looked up and getting out of the car, he shut the door. Going up to Steve and I, he spoke to us.

'I got it. There's another way. To retake the Tesseract and acquire new particles. We'll take a stroll down memory lane. Military installation. Garden State.' Steve and I just stared at him.

'When were they both there?' Steve asked.

'They were there at a - I've a vaguely exact idea.'

'How vague?' I questioned. He looked back and forth between us, then spoke.

'I know for a fact they were there-'

'Who's they? What are we doing?' Scott piped up. I held up my hand to keep him quiet.

'And I know how I know,' Tony finally spoke.

'Guys, what's up? What's it?' Scott asked again. I glared at him over my shoulder, begging him telepathically to stay quiet.

'Well, it looks like we're improvising,' I finally said.

'Right,' Scott said again. 'What are we improvising?' Steve turned to him, holding out the scepter.

'Scott, get this back to the compound,' he said. 'Adelaide, I want you to go with him.'

'No can do, Steve. If you're going, I have to watch your back. I have to come with you.' He thought through this for a minute, then silently agreed.

'Alright. Just keep the shenanigans to a minimum, will you?'

'I can't promise that. I'll try to keep a low profile, though.'

'Great. Link up.' I stepped forward and Tony, Steve and I gathered in a small circle, ready to imprint the Time-Space GPS's to send us where we needed to go.

'Suit up,' Tony said.

'What's in New Jersey?' Scott asked, holding the scepter.

'Just get the Stone back to the compound, Scott!' I shouted out, then turned my attention back to the other two.

'0-4-' We typed those numbers in.

'Uhh... 0-7-' We typed those numbers in too.

'Excuse me-' Scott began to say, but we ignored him.

'1-9-7-0.' We looked up at Tony.

'Are you sure?' Steve asked. Just then Scott broke into our conversation.

'Cap-Captain. Steve, sorry, America. Rogers. Adelaide - Phoenix, i beg your pardon, Lehnsherr. If you do this, and it doesn't work... you're not coming back.'

'Thanks for the pep talk, piss-ant,' Tony said. 'Do you two trust me?'

'I do,' Steve replied.


'I do.'

'It's your call, Cap,' Tony said softly.

'Here we go.' Our quantum suits sliding on, we pressed our buttons and all three of us disappeared into the Quantum Realm for our next trip to New Jersey in 1970, leaving Scott alone in New York with the scepter.

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