At The Big House

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"F*ck! What have I done, I only want to talk to him now he's dead and dirty" Dave says.

"Oh! he's breathing. What should I do know. I don't even know where he lives."

So because of that incident Dave decided to bring me to his home. If you might know I was really unconscious that time I can't even protect myself. So like I said Dave took me to he's home until I wake up .

He took care of me until I woke up in a very large room and I suddenly realized he changed my clothes wtf!
I mean he changed my clothes!!!!!
Because of that I felt hideous and dirty.
I feel like I'm not virgin even though he didn't touch my parts. But still it felt like you're saving an ice cream for later but someone have eaten it and you didn't even know until now.

And again I shouted because at first I was shocked and didn't know where I was and because of that loud shout 14 house maids came to the room I'm sleeping in.

Imagine 14 housemaids coming to me when I shouted. This must be a mansion. Until Dave came to the room too.

"It's okay. You can all go back to your works now" He said as he closes the door of the room leaving me and him inside.

That's when the time when I was nervous and asked him a bunch of questions.
"Why am I here? Where is this? How did I end up here ? Why aren't you answering? Please let me goooo!!"
I said to him with a begging face and emotional attitude.

"What are you talking about? You fainted a the middle of the streets. I don't even know you live"

"You should've called some of my friends"

"You don't even have friends remember"

"You could've just leave me in the streets"

"Are you crazy! What are you thinking? Why would I leave on the streets? When I'm the reason you fainted!"

That's when I realized he was the reason I fainted at the first place.
"Yeah! Why are you following me? I finally get that now. Now answer me why are you following me?"

His face turned red like he was a little shy but he also questioned me.

"Why are you watching me?"

"Well you see. I was just passing by when saw you eating. What's the problem with that? Answer me now! Why did you follow me ?"

"Well you see"

Then someone knock the door very loud and we are both silent because of that knock.

"Brother! Are you there?!"

Then the voice opens the door and would you look at that Dave's little brother.

"There you are brother" the he leaps to Dave.

I'm not shock that this boy is his brother I mean look at their faces. He's brother is like his more younger version. As usual his brother is kinda cute as for a kid.

With a slight suspicion his brother ask this question
"Brother, who's this guy? Is he your friend? Or maybe he's your boyfriend?"

With a blush Dave suddenly became quiet. I mean what do his brother think of him?! Gay!
His brother is not even gay.

"I'm just his classmate that's all." Sweating and nervous as usual.

"What's your name?" He asked me with a very nice and gently voice.

"I'm Florence. What your name little boy?"

I also asked him what's his name like duhhh he's just a kid so why would I be shy to ask a kid. Lol

"I'm Devon. Can you be my friend?" With a very cute look he asked me if I can be his friend and I'm like WHAT!. This boy is nice.

"Yes. Of course." I can't take it anymore he's too cute to refuse

"Okay , Devon go outside now. We're going to talk about somethings okay."

"Okay" he follows his brother politely. Devon is such a very nice kid.

"So today is Holiday"

"WHAT?! But yesterday was just the first day of class. Why is it holiday today?"
I mean yesterday was just the first day of senior year why is it holiday today? I'm totally confused.

"Remember the meeting yesterday? They discussed yesterday that today will be holiday because today's the President's Birthday."

That's dumb. Why would the President of our country make his birthday into a holiday.


As he shows me the news in his phone. So O believe him now.

"Really that's kinda dumb. Holiday as a Birthday."
I said to him with full of confidence. LOL I was being shy to him just now and now I'm comfortable talking to him now.

While I was looking into the his phone. I saw the time . And it was Morning. It's 9 in the morning.

"So I'm going home now. I'm very thankful for your care and kindness." I stand up and bowed to him and goes out but I came back to him"

"Where's the exit"
Like whoa this house is very big. I don't even know where to go.

"Wait for me I'll drive you home"

"It's okay I can manage it on my own. I just need to know where's you front door" I don't want him to know where my house his. I like keeping it as a secret to them.

"No. It's okay . Maybe your parents was worried for you. I can explain it to them" With a very nice approach. No way I could fall for that nice words.

"It's okay. I can go home in my own"

But he glared at me with is face. It's like his going to kill me.

So I just accepted his offer on driving me home. I had no choice.

"Where's your house located"

"You can just drop me a that bus stop, my house is not that far from there"

But he glared at me again

"My house is beside that house full of flowers." He scared me there. Everytime a answer his questions he always glares at me with a psychopath motive.

So we arrive at my house and as we ring the door Mother and Dion got goes out to know if who rung the gate.

"Mom it's me"

To be continued 🙀😹😹

Thanks for the motivation ❤️

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