Chapter 6-Old Friend

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A suffocating silence surrounded Moon.

The trees did not rustle, the creatures made no sound.

She sat by a pool of water, staring at her reflection. The only light was the moonlight flickering through the thick leaves above her. She closed her eyes, a few silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

It was impossible to escape this madness. Darkstalker knew her every move, and as much as she tried to deny it- he was truly a monster.

Moon knew she was all alone.

She found herself wondering how she had fallen for his tricks, his charm. Everything about him at JMA was so... friendly. But it didn't matter anymore. Moon now could see right through his attempts to manipulate her.

If only she had seen it sooner.

Maybe her friends would be free, maybe she could still be at school, maybe...

A wise dragon had once said it was better not to focus on the 'what ifs'. Her mother.

The thought of her mother made the loneliness even worse.

Her beautiful mother, was she even alive?

As Moon found herself diving deeper into an endless spiral of dark thoughts, she didn't even realize that the silence around her had broken. Moon sat up and decided to return to the camp, but something leapt out of the darkness, catching her off guard.

It grabbed ahold of her, and Moon felt talons dig into her arm and clap over her mouth before she could scream.

"Shh.. just relax." A voice she assumed belonged to her captor sounded.

Moon didn't relax. She threw her entire body weight sideways, trying to shake him- or her - or it- off.

It was to strong.

Moon fought until every muscle was exhausted, and still it held her right. Eventually, Moon gave in and let whoever intended to capture her drag her into the darkness.

Hours earlier...


Winter held a small stick in his talons.

His heart was racing since the incidents of last night, and a thousand thoughts flooded his mind.

What happened? How did he see Moon? Was it magic? How did Darkstalker see him?

Winter took a deep breath, and clutched the stick tightly.

'Time to test my theory...' he thought.

"I enchant this stick to become a small dagger."

He watched in pure terror as the stick's shape twisted, and formed into a small leather wrapped dagger. He bit back a yelp of surprise at this. "I-it worked?! How do.. I mean..."

His wonderings were soon interrupted by several loud voices outside of his cave.

"She's a pretty thing, ain't she?"

Winter crept to the entrance to peer out. Two Nightwings were flying just outside the entrance.

"Darkstalker wouldn't appreciate you talking about his queen like that." One of them grinned. "Ah whatever. He can't hear us way out here now can he?" The other laughed. Winter watched as they walked away, fighting the urge to claw their faces off. "How dare they talk about Moon like that?" He muttered.

Winter waited until they were completely gone, and he could no longer hear them to leave the cave. It was dusk, and a pale Moon floated above. Winter decided it would be best to search for Moon now instead of waiting any longer. If Darkstalker's guards were so close, Moon had to be nearby to. And if his 'animus' magic meant anything, then he needed to speak to her. Maybe she could help.

Winter crept through the darkness for an hour, being sure he made no noise or sign of his presence. Soon, he reached a small clearing. It was completely empty, except for one small figure hunched over a pool of water.

Was she crying?

Winter crept closer, and his heart skipped a beat.


Her scales glinted in the soft moonlight- green, blue, purple, and black. All the colors of the night sky.

'Snap out of it!' He thought.

Winter decided that the best thing for him to do was prevent Moon from awaking Darkstalker or the guards. He crept closer and swiftly grabbed the small Nightwing from behind, clapping his talons over her mouth. She struggled, desperately trying to throw him off. "Shh, just relax." He whispered, hoping she would recognize his voice. Moon eventually gave in, and fell limp in his arms. Winter carefully pulled her through the undergrowth, hoping no one had hear them. He carried her up and into his cave, where he finally released her, and she flopped onto the cold stone floor.

"What the-?!" She began, before pausing to look at him.

"Winter?" Her voice was no more than a whisper.

He sank down beside her, looking into her sad, beautiful eyes. "Hey, old friend."

Ok guys, I CANNOT thank you enough for so many views and votes! This is amazing! Thank you so so so much!!!

All character belong to Tui T. Sutherland.

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