Chapter 9- Alliance

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Moon awoke with a start.

Everything hurt, and her head felt like it might explode. She groaned in pain as her vision started to clear up.

Moon's  surroundings were unexpected. She found herself in a dim lit cave, a small fire glowing across the room. She lay on a bed of furs, and her wrists had a strange looking metal handcuff clamped around them.

Moon blew a plume of fire on them, but they merely became slightly warm. Moon frowned. What was going on?

Suddenly, across the room a door swung open and a dragon Moon knew all to well walked in.


"That's me." He friend smiled. "Turtle! What... What are you doing here?" She exclaimed. His expression grew solemn. "I will tell you later. First, let's take those cuffs off."

Turtle put a key into the lock and snapped them off. "Thanks, that feels better. But... why was I cuffed?" She frowned. "Well... Our leader preferred you wear them. He had me make sure you weren't... possessed by Darkstalker. I knew you weren't though." He replied. "Possessed? I mean I guess that makes sense..." Moon murmured. Turtle sighed. "Well, Ash would like to meet you. He has some questions. Now that you're awake I will let him know."Turtle said, heading toward the door. "Turtle wait, what's going on? I have so many questions! And who is Ash?"

"Our leader." He said, and left the room.

Moon waited for quite some time, and found herself growing irritated. " Turtle just left. With NO explanation! And this 'Ash' guy is sure taking his sweet time." Moon hissed under her breath. Moon was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice someone had entered the room. Moon was startled out of her trance and turned to see a large Skywing enter the room. He was vibrant red, and it looked like someone had splattered black paint down his back and wings. Ash was certainly a fitting name for the Skywing. He stared at Moon, a glint of mistrust in his eyes.

"You must be Ash." Moon snarled. She hadn't intended for it to come out so hostile, but he did keep her waiting for a long time.

"I am. Now, please have a seat. I have a few questions for you." His voice was sharp and commanding.

Moon quickly sat down on one of the fur rugs scattered across the room, and stared at him. She felt so belittled in his presence. "So, Turtle tells me you were friends, and that you went to school together. He says your name is Moon." Ash began. Moon nodded. "Good, now that we have cleared up, let's begin." He sat down across the room from her, his tail flicked over his talons. "Why were you with Darkstalker in the first place?"

Moon winced. 'Straight for the throat I guess.'

"I was kidnapped by him, and forced to live in his castle as his 'Queen'. I never wanted to go with him." Moon said cautiously. "Why were you so far from this castle of his?" Moon sighed. "We were looking for someone he intended to kill. He forced me to come along."

Ash frowned. "Interesting. Can you tell me about your time with him in the castle. I need to know weaknesses, strengths, anything you can tell me."

Moon looked away. 'Telling him anything could cause a lot of damage... but he is being really pushy about it.'

"Moon..." his voice grew gentler. "We know you had no intentions of harming anyone. You were forced into this. But I am here to help you. I need to know more about Darkstalker."

Moon looked at him in surprise. "O-okay..." she whispered.

'Why is she so scared?' Ash's thoughts sounded in her mind.

Moon sighed and looked at him. "I will tell you what you want to know."

"Good." Ash nodded. "Welcome to our Alliance."


"Prince Winter, what are you seeking?" Queen Coral's voice was sharp and clear. "Your highness, I humbly request your assistance. My tribe is suffering greatly from Darkstalker's attacks, as well as countless others from the other tribes. We need help." The words felt weird on his tongue. Winter rarely asked for help, and it slightly hurt his pride. The Queen frowned. "Quite the bold request, Prince Winter. I would need to think about it for awhile, as well as discuss it with the council."

"That sounds good, but I-"

"Let me guess, your in a rush and can't possibly wait." She flicked her tail. "Must you dragonets aloes ya be so impatient? No matter. You have waisted enough of my time. You are dismissed."

Winter was about to protest, but two guards grabbed him and led him out into the halls. 'No! I need help now!' Winter thought. Why was she so quick to dismiss him? She barely even considered it!

He sighed and began walking toward his room when someone ran up beside him.

"Wow that did NOT go well." It was the princess. Winter huffed. "No kidding."

They walked in silence for a bit before Siren jumped in front of Winter. "Whyyyy don't we do something to cheer you up?" She grinned. "I don't know. I mean, maybe. Besides, why would you want to do anything with me? We don't even-" Winter was cut off by the pretty Seawing grabbing his talons and practically dragging him down the halls. "Great, you will LOVE it!"

Siren led Winter down several long corridors, and finally to a strange looking wall. It was see though, and had the texture of a bubble. "Step through there, and we will be back in the ocean." Siren said, pulling Winter through. He felt his entire body's being surrounded by water, and he lost his ability to speak, due to them being beneath the surface. 'This place is so weird.' He thought.

Siren smiled and led him toward a massive coral reef, which appeared to be some sort of city. Siren led Winter down busy streets, and despite the silence, everyone was seemed to have something to say. Winter watched the lights on their scales flash as they spoke to each other. Merchants and customers bartered over prices, young Seawings chased each other happily, and their parents laughed, following them down the street. Winter felt a odd sense of safety here in this underwater kingdom, watching the dragons live so peacefully. 'Why can't the rest of Pyrrhia be like this place?

Siren made a signal for him to keep following her, leading Winter through tunnels, around cracked pillars, past abandoned structures, and finally swam up a tall sand bank. Upon reaching the top, Winter realized that it was some sort of sea cliff that over looked everything. Winter was able to see just how massive the kingdom of the sea was. Winter stared in awe at the magnificence. Thousands of colors more vibrant than anything you can imagine flooded the kingdom. It was beautiful.

Siren made a signal for them to surface, and Winter followed her up onto an island. "Wow..." he whispered, moments after surfacing. Siren smiled. "Knew you would like it. I don't know how you survived living in that cold palace. It seems so BORING!"

Winter nodded, but said nothing. 'Moon would have liked to see this...' he thought.

"Well, it's getting late. I should probabaly get back to the palace." She said. "Yeah, your right." Winter replied.

"I hope you enjoyed it." Siren said, as they re-entered the palace. Winter nodded. "Thanks, it was nice..." "Well, see you later Winter." Siren smiled and walked past him down the hall. Her wings gently brushed his, leaving a trail of burning numbness on his cold scales. He watched as the elegant Seawing disappeared into the darkness of the dim lit hall, leaving Winter alone with his thoughts.

"Yeah, see ya..."

Eek! Guys, I never thought I would do this well so soon on Wattpad. This is amazing! Thank you to my lovely readers!😀

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