Gone-Chapter 22

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Siren paced back and forth in a broken cage that had been melded together by Ash. She snarled furiously, her blank eyes seeming to stare straight into the terrified souls of the other dragons.

Just an hour before, she had revealed herself.

"Moon my dear, why don't you hand me the scroll?"

Moon stared at her in shock, gripping the scroll in her talons. Ash and Winter shared a confused glance. Siren sounded like...


"Moon, don't make me fight you for it. I wish to not harm my queen."

"No.. how is this possible?"

Darkstalker laughed through Siren. "I'm surprised that you all were so stupid. I have possession over the entire Seawing army. The ENTIRE army. Do you think that wouldn't include Siren? Anyways, give me the scroll."

"Never!" Moon snarled, flaring her wings. She was ready to fight for it.

Siren hissed and lunged at Moon, claws extended. Moon slammed her wing into Siren's face, knocking her to the side. Within an instant, Siren was after Moon again, this time knocking her down.

Moon fell dangerously close to the lava pit, Siren standing above her snarling angrily. Ash slammed Siren aside and pinned her down with Winter's assistance.

"We need to lock her up." Ash hissed. Moon nodded and they dragged Siren toward a broken cage. Ash melted the bars back together with a quick blast of flame.

They stared at her in shock, unsure of what to do next. This was bad. Very bad.


Moon turned her head towards Winter, who was staring at Siren. "Do you think he heard your plan?"

Moon sighed and nodded. "I think so. And he can't be far away."

Ash hissed suddenly. "I should have killed him when I had the chance back at the mountain!" He stood up and began pacing, muttering to himself.

Winter glanced and Moon and made a gesture for her to follow him. They quietly slipped away from the other two. Well, one I suppose.

Winter walked up a hill, that lead to a ledge overhanging a very deep ravine.

Moon peered over the edge, and the stepped back in surprise. "That is very deep."

Winter nodded. "It's kind of cool if you don't fall down. No pun intended." He said with a slight grin. Moon rolled her eyes. "I read in a scroll that there is a magic-like wind current that makes it nearly impossible to fly down there. You would just fall." Winter said.

Moon stared down into the swirling black abyss. She felt that she could relate to it in a way. She felt trapped by Darkstalker. And yet...

Moon turned to look at Winter and her heart fluttered. Why did she feel this way? Why was she letting herself feel this way? Now was not the time for romance.

Winter sighed and stood up. "Let's go back and check on Siren."

Moon nodded and followed Winter back to where they had left Siren and Ash.

When they arrived, Moon was surprised to find that Siren was no longer pacing. She lay curled up in the corner of the cage crying.

Ash stared at her, clearly unsure of what to say.

"What's going on?!" Winter demanded. Siren lifted her head and stared at them. "I don't know! She just became weirdly normal all of a sudden!" Ash exclaimed.

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