Chapter 8- Seeking

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Darkstalker seemed to go on forever. Moon was tired, and Darkstalker was growing impatient. Moon was terrified to speak with him, so she kept to herself.

'Just a little longer.'

Moon was grateful that her mind reading friend had not been focusing on her, thus allowing her to keep the information of Winter's whereabouts secret. For now anyways.

On the fourth day since her encounter with Winter, Darkstalker landed the group in a clearing, and led them to a wide mouthed cave. He decided they would rest for the night, as he finally began to realize how tired the soldiers and Moon had become.

Weaklings. Then again, they are foolish mortals.

Moon bit back a snarl. Darkstalker had grown increasingly irritable, causing the whole troop to suffer from his lack of patience.

Moon sighed and slipped into a small cut out in the stone walls of the cave. It was rather cramped, but allowed for a sense of security- even if it was a false one. Moon fell asleep with one thought on her mind- Was Winter safe?

Dawn came all to quickly, and Moon found herself more tired than the day before. Her whole body ached, and her attempt to crawl out of the cut out caused her body to protest in agony. Moon winced and stretched, before glancing around. A few of the soldiers were still sound asleep, and two were sitting around the remains of last nights fire. Darkstalker sat in the corner, muttering angrily to himself.

Moon sighed. He had changed so much. No more fake smiles, or joyful good mornings. He was showing his true colors. Darkstalker was an angry, irritable, selfish dragon who only cared for himself.

Darkstalker rose stiffly to his feet. "Wake up!" He snarled. The others who were sound asleep jerked up out of bed with a gasp of surprise. "We leave now." He stalked out of the cave, and a scared Moon followed quickly behind.

The flew for a good hour as the sun rose up, and Moon felt a sense of weariness growing. Suddenly, Darkstalker had halted beside her. He whipped around furiously to see that none of the guards were following them. "Where are those fools!?" He screeched.

A blur of blue and green slammed into an unsuspecting Darkstalker, who in turn screeched in surprise.

It all happened so fast. Moon felt something tumble into her, and Moon recognized the vibrant red scales of a Skywing as it grabbed her. She struggled against him before he put a foul smelling cloth over her snout. Moon watched as the world around her faded, and the last thing she saw was Darkstalker falling out of the sky.


Days had passed, but it seemed like only a few heartbeats had passed since him and Moon has spilt up.

His mind flooded with memories of her sweet scent, her dark scales, and beautifully mysterious eyes.

Why did he miss her so much?

A darkness swept over the mountainside as the clouds covered the moon. Winter's mind was restless, and he felt the ability to sleep leave him.

Winter groaned and rolled off his ledge. Below him, Quibli slept soundly. Winter sighed and stepped out into the main part of their dorm. Across the wide room, the room Kinkajou and Moon shared sat, but something was off. The door that was usually shut was cracked open. Winter turned his head to see little Moon sitting by the window, as the light of the starts danced across her scales.

A sad noise came from her. Winter crept closer to see the beautiful Nightwing with her head hung low.

Winter thought she was crying, but was relieved when he stepped closer to see that she was not crying.

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