Chapter 17-Burning Mountain

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I remember the day she betrayed me. We sat on the mountain side, the sunset making the trees seem to be on fire.

She was so beautiful. Clearsight. My one true love. I cherished her, I loved her. And I was willing to give her the world.

I should have seen it coming.

"I love you Clearsight."

Her dark eyes met mine. She clasped her talons tightly around mine, a smile on her face. Then, her gentle and loving expression changed, and a cold peace of metal slipped up onto my arm.

"I know you do. But I can't live like this. I'm so sorry."

Then it all went black.

It wasn't fair. I didn't deserve this! Right?

The last thing I remembered from that day oh so long ago was the cold look in her beautiful eyes as she slipped me into an eternal slumber.


Winter groaned and sat up. He expected another sunny morning, but was surprised to find the sky outside still pitch black. And even weirder. It was eerily quiet. Winter shared a sleeping cave with some of the Seawing guards, and they were prone to snoring.

There was no sounds.

He quietly leapt down from the ledge he slept on, and found the room deserted.


Winter walked out into the still halls. It was so quiet, so dark, so...

Click. Click. Click.

Someone was in the hallway with him, hiding in the shadows. 'The missing Seawing guards?'

Winter scanned the hall, looking for any signs of movement. And then he saw him.


He strode out of the shadows, taking up nearly the entire walkway. Panick flooded Winters mind. This was impossible! How was he awake? "No... No this is just a dream! This isn't real!" Winter cried out in surprise, stumbling backwards.

Darkstalker chuckled and rolled his wings back, seeming to grow even bigger. "No Winter, everything that is happening right now is not a dream."

Winter searched the hallway for something to use. Conveniently, a crate of arrows sat against the wall. He reached for one, grasping it in his talons. "Enchant this arrow to pierce through Darkstalker's scales and kill him!"

The arrow shot forward, before pausing mid air, and shattering into a million tiny splinters. Darkstalker just laughed. "You think your magic will work on me? Boy, I am the reason you have it. I set a trap. I knew you'd be lured in. Then, when you enchanted that mirror in the Seawing Kingdom, I had the delightful idea of using the Queen as my way of winning this pathetic attempt of ending my war."

Winter froze in place. (No pun intended.)

Darkstalker had been tracking him through his magic.

"Yes, that's right. I tracked you down. Of course, I did this all while you fools believed that I was sound asleep."

Darkstalker paused to stare intently at Winter before continuing. "Now I have what I need." He flicked his tail, and the Seawing Queen stepped forward out of the darkness. Her expression was blank, and her eyes were glazed over, appearing lifeless. The Seawing guards followed her, surrounding themselves around Darkstalker.

Darkstalker turned around. "Grab him." He hissed. Three Seawings launched at Winter and pinned him down. Winter roared in fury and desperately tried to fight them off, to no avail.

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