Chapter 16-Queen

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Moon woke up later than usual.

But perhaps she needed the sleep. The past weeks had left her dreary. On top of that, preparations for the Queen's arrival had been non-stop.

However, she was surprised to find that most of the dragons were still sound asleep.

'Last night was a late one.'

Moon walked out to the landing ledge and breathed in the cool morning air. The sun rose peacefully in the sky, it's rays bringing warmth to the mountain side.

She sighed and turned back into the dimmer hallways of the Alliance base. As Moon wandered down the silent halls, sunlight trickled in through the colorful glass windows, sending streams of reds, blues, yellows, and greens onto the stone walls and floors.

It was peaceful.

Moon heard the scraping of spikes against the stone floor, and her heart pounding loudly in her chest. She knew that sound all to well.


Just as fast as she whipped around to see him, she felt that same twist of sadness in her gut. Side by side, Winter and Siren walked together.

Moon swallowed hard. 'Why does it bother me so much?'

Winter had an unreadable expression on his face. Moon couldn't tell if he enjoyed Siren's presence, or was very uncomfortable. In that moment she wished that she could still hear Winter's thoughts.

He still wore that stone turtle gave him so long ago. The Skyfire.

The moment Siren caught sight of Moon, her happy expression dissolved into something else that Moon wasn't quite sure of.

'It's her.' Siren hissed internally. Moon winced. Her gift was a blessing and a curse, and already she could tell Siren didn't like her. Moon was still deciding if that was good or bad.

All at the same time, Winter's expression also changed. It softened, and the slightest hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He broke away from Siren to crush Moon with a hug.

"I almost thought yesterday was a dream." He murmured. Moon smiled and wrapped her wings around him. Over Winter's shoulder she could see the scowl written across Siren's face.

A firey presence filled her mind as Winter slowly broke away. Moon recognized the firm barrier around his thoughts. It was Ash.

"Good morning." He said stiffly. Ash cast an odd look at Winter before looking at Moon. "Moon, your presence is requested during council this morning."


"Well, as a previous captor of Darkstalker, I believe that you should share your opinions." He turned to look at Winter and Siren. "You two may come if you wish."

Winter nodded. "I'll come." Siren huffed and then nodded. "I will too." Again, Ash made an odd face, then nodded. "Great."

The council started slowly. It was small. The Queen, her guards, Winter, Moon, Siren, Ash, some Seawing council members, and a few bystanders.

Moon sat near the front, watching as Ash leapt up onto a rock overlooking the group. "Greeting, dragons of the Alliance and Queen Coral. We gather today to discuss the situation we now find ourselves in. The war between Icewings and Nightwings. A student from the Ice Kingdom came to Queen Coral, desperate for help. Winter, of the Icewings. The Queen agreed to help, and her son Turtle requested she ally herself with us."

Ash paused to glance around the room. "Any questions?"

The Queen stood. All eyes landed on her- her grace, her power, her beauty, her majesty. She strode forward with elegance, before standing in front of the rock. "I would like to know how Darkstalker was defeated. It's almost unbelievable!"

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