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Winter's awoke in a dark place.

He sat up, and the a dim light was seen ahead.

Slowly he followed, a gentle clatter of spikes breaking the silence.

There she was. Moon.

She stood beneath moonlight and stars, her ebony and dark purple scales illuminated.

As if she had been coated in a layer of stardust. Wisps of mist swirled up around her. The beautiful Nightwing began to walk away.

Winter followed her for what felt like hours. It seemed as if they hadn't moved at all.

They suddenly burst into a sunlit forest.

Winter looked around, but Moon had vanished. He tried to call out for her, but the sound of water running a birds chirping overwhelmed him.

A dark figure strode out of the undergrowth.

Winter felt an icy cold creep up his spine. Not the usual chill in his bones. That didn't bother him.

This was a different cold. A dreadful cold.

"Hello again, Winter." He hissed. Winter stiffened. "Looking for this?"

His long dark claws snapped, and Moon appeared. She was caged, and asleep.

"What's wrong with her?!" Winter snarled. Darkstalker let out a cold, cruel laugh. "Nothing. I would never harm my Queen."
Winter locked eyes with Darkstalker. "She isn't your Queen."

Darkstalker sighed. "Must we always do the same dance, Winter?" His dark eyes stared at Moon. "There is a hidden power within her, one I wish to unleash."

Winter growled deeply. "What happened to you? I remember a time when Moon might have called you a friend."

Darkstalker stared at him for a while, as if to consider this. "Perhaps."

"Why have you changed?"

The massive dragon laughed cruelly. "I haven't changed in the slightest. But besides that, I have a question.

"Where are you hiding?!"

Winter shot up. He was laying on the floor of the library. The Icewing looked around. The sunlight forest had disappeared, Darkstalker had disappeared.

Moon had disappeared.

He groaned and sat up, his body screaming in protest. Pain shot through his wings and down his back. He cursed under his breath and stood, inhaling sharply.

He heard a groan from across the room. It was Ash. The bright red Skywing stretched his wings and yawned. "I don't think I have slept that long in nearly a moon cycle."

It was true. None of them had.

With a groan, Winter stretched his aching wings. He suddenly realized how hungry he was. They hadn't eaten since the rainforest, nearly two days ago.

"I'm starving." A voice whined. It was Siren, clearly in her right mind again. They had covered her eyes with a cloth. Couldn't risk Darkstalker seeing their location, even if it wasn't the best hiding place.

Ash nodded. "We need to eat."

Winter sighed. "We could check the cellar. There might be salted meat or preserves." Ash made a face, then sighed. At this point, they were willing to eat anything.

Within the hour Ash and Winter found the cellar. Sure enough, it was just as Winter predicted. Salted meat, preserved fruits, and even some strange herbs.

Wings of Darkness- A Wings of Fire FanficWhere stories live. Discover now