The end?

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As if he had been hit with a thousand arrows to his heart, Winter fell forward in shock.

The Nightwings let go of him and fled.

Winter pulled himself to his feet and rushed to the edge. Strong talons held him back. "Winter don't! You can't fly down there."

Winter broke free from Ash's grasp and scrambled down the side. The strange magical affect seemed to have vanished.

He didn't even notice.

The Icewing landed on the cold stone floor of the ravine, desperately searching for Moon.

It didn't take long for him to find the body of Darkstalker, lying in a massive, broken heap. Wrapped in his wings was Moon, so small and fragile. Winter picked her up and wrapped her in his wings.

A faint heartbeat could be heard.

As he held the helpless little dragon, a few tears ran down his snout, landing on her face- so peaceful. That monster was dead, all the troubles he caused could no longer be seen in her perfect face.

"Moon..." He whispered. "Moon please wake up." He gripped her tighter, listening to her faint heartbeat.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." His voice was shaky.

"I love you."

It had been a month since Darkstalker had fell. Moon had been brought to the Rainforest for healing, and to be with her mother.

She walked away, but barely. Her right wing, front left leg, and a few ribs were broken. She suffered a concussion and was in healing for weeks. She would still be for another 2 months or so.

Moon did not remember most of the time after the fall.

And sadly, Winter's confession to her was also forgotten.

Most days she spent asleep or reading. Most nights she stared at the stars, wondering. Winter also took some time to heal. With Jade Mountain Academy opening again, and students returning, he knew he needed to be ready for school again. Moon wouldn't return for a while.

And just as quickly as he had left, Winter was back. It felt weird, seeing all these faces. It had truly only been a year since Darkstalker had escaped. Still, he went on with his daily life.

Ash returned to the Alliance. Or what was left of it. Most dragons had fled, or left. A few had even died in the fight against Darkstalker.

Winter was in the same Winglet, with, Quibli, Kinkajou, and Turtle.

They had all grown so much. Kinkajou's face and matured, and she was far more serious. Turtle had grown bigger, and appeared to be very fit. Quibli was about the same. With that stupid know-it-all grin on his face and a laugh in his golden eyes. He even moved on, finding himself a girlfriend of sorts.(Do dragons have girlfriends/boyfriends?)

Winter was glad to see them. But he missed Moon. When would she be back? He was asked that quite often.

It was the same answer every time. "Soon."

Though he wasn't really sure. The fact that she even survived was a miracle. Despite Darkstalker breaking her fall, she should have suffered far more damage.

Winter suspected that the reason she was still alive was all thanks to Darkstalker- that in his last moments, his final enchantment was to save her.

Whilst speculating, a loud yell sounded in the background. It was the familiar voice of Tsunami, scolding a student for messing around.

Wings of Darkness- A Wings of Fire FanficWhere stories live. Discover now