A little lesson

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"If I May ask princess you seem to know much of area eleve-" "Japan" "huh?"
"It's not area eleven Suzaku, it's the remnants of a fallen country known as Japan" "Oh! Yes Y/N"
"But, the reason I know so much is one, my older brother and two, books"
"By brother, I'm guessing you mean Lelouch?" "Yes!".

Me and Suzaku were sitting in the library of the palace that stands in the now area 11. "Hey, Suzaku?" "Yes Y/N?"
"You despise Zero, don't you?" I look into his dark emerald eyes that slightly quivered at the name I mentioned. "No..."
He responded in a deep and serious tone. He got up and walked closer towards the large crystal clear windows that had the mid day sun rays passing through them. He then turned his head to face me. "Quite frankly... I hate him with every cell in my living body" "I'm guessing that hate for him grew a lot when Euphy was killed, huh?" "Of course, I mean don't you hate him too? He killed your siblings"

He looked at me with his face filled with not just concern but anger, hurt, and destruction. I got up from where I was sitting and walked to where he was, in front of the tall window. I tilted my head up to face him as he stood tall. I simply gave a small smile. "I forgot how to hate." His eyes widened softly. "I know I said those things about Cornelia and Euphy but...I could never...I don't believe in any god, nor in miracles. I'm a realist I think and deduce on plain logic, nothing more, nothing less. I just learned that I shouldn't hate the world or hate anyone or hate anything . I mean almost everything comes with a reason...so I can't hate Zero or any Britainians, Japanese, or any human being cause they have their reasons...Zero is Zero cause he wants to fight for Japan just more on brawn but still mixing brain, same with us we are fighting on Britainia's side but we still want freedom for the Japanese using Brawn and Brain but that's just my way of thinking..."

When I finished saying my thoughts I gave him a slight look of exhaustion. All that I had just said came out of me as if it was water from a river falling from a waterfall. The things I wanted to say to people but was too weak or too scared to. "Princess Y/N...." he called my name meekly. I then flattened out my hand into a blade like form and hit him on his forehead with the side of my hand. "Hm?..." "What Did I say about calling me princess?" A gave him a somewhat annoyed yet teasing look.

"Hey Suzaku?" "Yes Y/N?"
"How is school like for you?"
"School? Well I was bullied a lot but after a strange little school competition the school was nice? I guess? Why did you want yo know?" He looked at me with his usual soft smile just tilted making him give off a slightly questioning aura.
"I went to Ashford Academy too, though for a very short time like only a day? Hehe" "WHAT REA-" "Shhhh, hehe" I held up my index finger to my smiling mouth, even if we are in the castle library I like the quiet. "Well what was it like for you?" "Quiet." "Huh?" "Quiet. like whenever I was around people would just stay quiet. Same with the teachers too" "yeeesh I know the feeling though. And then there are those somewhat annoying people that will barely even whisper" "ughh don't get me started on those people" we looked at each other and just laughed. We grew up differently but got into situations that were frankly the same. It made us feel not so different.
"WAAH!" And there I was on the carpeted floor of the brightly naturally lit up castle library. I had some files, books, and documents stacked up while I was walking with the whole stack but now that used to be stack of data is now just littered around me. "Essssshh" I sucked in air through my teeth as I felt a stinging sensation on my knees. It was a carpet burn. A really bad bloody carpet burn that probably already stained my lightly tinted dress. "Is there a day where you don't fall on your knees? Haha" . I wanted to laugh but I couldn't, I know it was just a carpet burn but if I have learned anything from having countless tests done on me is that I have very low tolerance levels.
"Huh? [nickname] ?"  He crouched down so he was on one knee and was giving me a concerned look but I wished not to see that face of his that held worry so I looked to the ground.

"Hey [N/N], look at me, are you ok?" I still kept my head down. But that didn't last long since he grabbed my chin and tilted my head up to face him. Even if he was crouched down to my level he was still taller. His eyes opened widely when he saw the tears that were about to fall from my eyes like the rain in spring.
"Sadly. yes..." I replied. He had let go of my chin and stood in front of me. "Can you get up?" He had asked in a soft tone. "I tried...It hurts too much" I looked down again but I felt some pressure placed on top of my head. I looked up again and there he was slightly bent over and holding a hand out to me. "Here I'll help you up" he had a soft gentle smile on his face that felt like the warm light of the sun and I was so drawn to it. I couldn't help but reach my own hand out to grab his. He pulled me up but I stumbled with my face falling into his chest.

"Woah! Does it still hurt!?" "Yeah a bit...but it's slightly bearable now." I could feel his arms wrapping around my body as if to support me from falling over. He patted my head in a soothing pattern almost making me want to sleep. "I must have looked like such a crybaby to you..." "W-What? N-No!" " Liar..." "No really, everyone deals with pain differently and if anything..." he lowered closer to my ear "you looked pretty cute like that." That sent a full blushing storm to my face. "You-...twease" he had grabbed onto my cheek with his hand and was having a bright smile on. "Ooh look at this scary chihuahua" "CHAWAWA?!"

I had forgotten all about the pain that was on my knees and enjoyed that little time.

I had learned a lesson from these events and I would never forgive myself for the answer I had... I-

𖣔 𝕀 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𖣔 (Suzaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now