A House of Cards.

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"DAMN IT!" I shouted as I picked up one of my heels that he probably took off my feet a hours ago and threw it at one of the walls in my room.

I had only woken up about an hour ago here in- well, whatever you there already know and I'm extremely pissed off.

A few days earlier
Zero had taken me instead of Nana. And when we got to a base? I'm guessing that was what it was and let's just say they were pretty shocked.

"I'm sorry to have taken you by force- but I assure you that we won't harm you!?" I had cut Zero off by having thrown a punch right in the center of his chest and I'm guessing they weren't expecting that so basically the black knights that surrounded us took a battle stance but quickly Zero lifted his hand, basically signaling to not attack or restrain me.

"I already know that you won't harm me, I'm basically a bargaining chip for you. And if anything I don't care if I go back or not." I stated simply which caused confusion for the Knights. Suddenly a guy with an Afro-ish pompadour spoke out "what do you mean you don't care if you go back or not?" "Well I have no preference you see, I think both The Black Knights and The Brittainian side are correct. I know how it feels to be considered the weak link and to not be recognized for what you are or what you can do also, I've helped command some of the most recent battles so if you want I could help command you during battles, sadly I won't tell you any weak spots or inside information from Brittainia unless I find the interest to do so."

They all looked at me with shock. "Hold it, hold it, hold it! How do we know that your not lying to us or just trying to get information to tell the Brittainian forces when or if they save you!?" A tall guy with red hair shouted some knights agreeing also.

"First of all I just said I know what it's like to not be recognized. My job as Viceroy and princess is to help the people Also my close friends Suzaku, Gino, and Anya, they care about me and when you look at them together they don't look like much other than teenagers but they are very smart which is why they are part of the knights of the round. I also know Zero's true identity. Almost everyone in there knows except Nunnally. So I will help you but I have one request" I stated "and that is?" Zero asked. "There is a wedding of a dear friend of mine she is the empress of the Chinese federation and she will be marrying my eldest brother and Kaguya you got an invitation too am I right?"

I looked at the green eyed girl, her eyes were lighter than Suzaku's but Darker than Shirley's, a perfect color in between. "Yeah I got her invitation but what does that have to do with your?-" "Well at her wedding I want to go back to Suzaku and the rest of them and I won't tell them anything when you hand me off, alright?" I held out my hand for Zero to shake and he took it in his. "Deal" he said staring right down at me "alright now then." I let go of Zero's hand and turned to the rest of the Black Knights. I then bowed respectfully towards them
"My name is Y/N Vi Brittainia and it is an honor to meet and work along side you" I said giving a genuine smile, surprisingly.

"Nice to meet you Princess, I'm general Todouh." "I'm Ohgi!" "I'm Tamaki!" One by one the Black Knights introduced themselves. And shortly after I was pulled in with Kallen, C2, and Zero for a Tiny meeting.

Lelu took off his mask and looked at us. "Y/N I'm sorry to have taken you by force...I hope I didn't hurt you." "Oh! That's right I forgot you were siblings" Kallen said. I looked at Lelu with a serious mask. "I'm alright don't worry I probably just got a scratch or two on my leg but Lelu tomorrow Nana and I will be saying a speech that will be broadcast in Ashford that broadcast though was pre-recorded. And that's all I can give. I'm sorry..." i looked at my older brother conflicting with his thoughts. "Lelu?"

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