Taken through my hands...

443 16 1

I was with nana in her aircraft. It was quite beautiful, a garden in the air.

"We will soon be co.running Japan won't we Nana? How much time has past..." I looked at her as she sat in her chair. Smiling. "Yeah, I'm worried about Lelouch! But wait weren't you at the school last night? Then you came over here to the California base for some business matters, Lelouch said I could trust you when he said 'we have to act as if we don't know each other'" she looked at me and even though her eyes were shut I could tell she was basically asking me if I knew anything.

"I'm sorry Nana, but I barely know anything about it either, Suzaku and Lelu have some strange aura with them and I can't figure it out. It's like subtle hostility but it's barely noticeable" I explained.
"I see" Nana plainly said. I got my gloved hand and put it on top of Nana's. "Hey? Let's not worry about it, okay? They are strange to begin with but they are best friends so even if they are fighting or something they'll work it out, just need to give them a little push!~" with that I used my other hand and poked Nana in the center of her forehead. "Ah! Yeah! Your right Y/N!"

We talked for a while longer but I could feel something about to happen but I didn't give much thought to it.


"Hm?" I turned my vision back quickly. "What is it Y/N?" She asked me clearly concerned. 'I don't want to stress her out but I think her not knowing is just going to concern her more' "there's something coming...I could be overthinking but let's just hold on tight just to be sure, okay?" I said in a semi cheery tone, just to try and keep her calm. "Y-yeah.."

It didn't take long for some shooting and clanging noises to be heard from outside or around the airship. "What was that?!" Nana turned her head all around, trying to sense where the noise was coming from. I stood right next to Nana defensively. I already had a feeling of who it was and I would comply with his plans but-

I then heard the automatic door opening and there he was.


Then he started walking towards us as one of the guards told us through a speaker. "Yeah! No disrespect sir but I think I got that!" How I wanted to go towards him but...Lelu is Zero right now, I must pretend that He is my enemy. I wrapped my arms around Nana.

"Your Zero, aren't you? The terrorist" spoke out Nana. "Have you come to kill us as well?! Like Our older brother Clovis and my twin sister Euphy!?" I shouted at him. 'I'm sorry Lelu...if that hurt you, I'm sorry'.

"N/N...Zero! Could you wait just a moment? Please?" She had her head facing the direction of Zero. "Nana?....".  "I Think That What Your Doing Is WRONG!" She said directly at him.
I wanted to say something too...but I couldn't...I support both Britainia and the Black Knights...

I sensed some familiar presences from outside the ship. "Gino?...OH! The Knights of The Round!" Then a big explosion could be heard. The vibrations that followed the explosion shook the aircraft. Spooking the common butterflies that stood on the flora. "The Mordred..." 'Anya? I love you and you do things in your own way but...are you trying to kill us? Hehe' then some more shaking...

"It's Britainnia that is wrong, the emperor believes that might is always right. Do you two approve of that?" Zero exactly pained and asked us... "Well..." me and Nana said at the same time. "Viceroy Nunnally, Viceroy Y/N, the two of you are just being used." He told us.

"Your saying they sent a blind crippled girl." She started "And another girl with terrible health?" I continued.
"To win everyone's sympathy? Then Your Wrong" We said at the same time trying to prove a point. "I asked them to send me, that's why I'm here" she stated. "And when you killed Euphy, I know she would want her work to be left undone. I had to go from where she left! I also asked as well!"

We could hear him gasp. Clearly shocked by our answer. "You requested it?" He asked. "I think with a peaceful approach we can make the world a gentler place" I smiled at Nana. "That's why we want to carry out Euphy's plan. To create the specially administrated zone of Japan" I stated as I let go of Nana and walked closer to Zero. "You'd have that return!?"
I held out my hand towards Zero. Almost like I was asking for a dance. "Zero, won't you please try to help us rebuild it?"

Zero gasped and took two steps back. "People can start over, please!" Nana shouted from behind me. More rumbling could be heard from outside the flagship. "Suzaku?" I moved my head around as if waiting for the Lancelot to appear. And suddenly. As if on cue The Lancelot broke through the roof and was trying to get to us.

"Escape with me!"


I looked at the two.I was stretching my arm that was closer out to get to the Lancelot "SUZAKU!" Me and Nana shouted but Zero pulled me close to him as the wind that was created by Suzaku whisked is back.

"Down Here! Wait. Y/N!" I heard Nana yell. "IM FINE NANA! SUZAKU GET NANA OUT OF HERE!" I was still having my hand stretched out. "N/N!" Suzaku yelled into the Lancelot speaker as Zero had me in his grasp. We were blown into the palms of the Guren.

It seemed as though Suzaku didn't notice that he didn't get me. But-


I flew out of the flagship with Nunnally and Y/N in the palms of the Lancelot. I thought I almost lost N/N to Zero. "Hey N/N are you okay? Zero didn't hurt you or anything, right?" Silence. "N/N?..." i spoke again. "Nunnally? Where's?..." "SHES NOT WITH US SUZAKU ZERO HAS HER STILL!" "WHAT?!" "WE CANT JUST LEAVE HER BEHIND! SUZAKU PLEASE TURN BACK AND GET HER!" "WE CANT NANA! WE HAVE TO GET YOU TO THE OTHER AIRSHIP!"

"YOU LIKE N/N DONT YOU?!? WHY?!?! WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE HER BEHIND!!!?" Nunnally screamed at me. "I-" I couldn't say anything... we got to the aircraft with Lloyd, Cecile, Anya, Gino, and whoever else. Gino and Anya came running. "Viceroys Nunnally and Y/N?..." Gino looked at me "Suzaku? Where is the little Belle?" Anya then looked at me also. Gino grabbed both of my Shoulders. "SUZAKU WHERE IS SHE?!" "Zero got her..." "WHAT?! THEN WE HAVE YO GO FOR HER!" "THATS WHAT I SAID!" Nana agreed with Gino.

"no..." "what?" The three of them looked at me in disbelief. "We could be doing her more harm than good if we go after her now..." "but-" "it's hard on me too...I thought I had her but!" I felt Nunnally's hand on top of mine. "But we saw what they can do, next time we meet them we take her back too!" I stated. "Yeah! You bet we will!" Gino shouted. "I very much agree...but your not off the hook yet in my book" Anya said.

'N/N....I promise I'll get you...your my-'

𖣔 𝕀 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𖣔 (Suzaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now