Something strange.

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Bismarck Weinstein. The Knight of One. The top knight of the knights of the round. Had shown up and stopped a fight that would have broken out between Luciano and Suzaku.

He had brought the Valkyrie Squad and the Gareths for the event. The worries of possibly the Black Knights raiding area Eleven first. I pulled on Suzaku's sleeve to get his attention. "Hey. I'm going to go back to Kallen. I did say I would meet her later..." I notified. "Oh yeah. Do you want me to walk you there? Or Anya?" "Oh! No I couldn't bother you two with helping me around!! I'll be fine. Good bye you two!" I heard a meow behind me and looked down to see Arthur. I bent down and patted the dark grey on his head. "Later to you too Arthur..." I said with a smile as I went back to meet with Kallen and to find Nunnally there as well.

I was able to talk with them for a while about our brothers. Like Nunna's life with Lelouch. Mine's with Lelouch, Clovis, and Schnizel. And Kallen's with Naoto.

I turned my head to the noise of the automatic doors sliding open. And to see the bright orange haired male walking in.
"I heard we captured the Black Knight's Ace but I didn't expect to find such a lovely young girl." "Sir Bradley I believe me and my sister didn't give you permission to enter this area." I said in a monotones voice. If it were Suzaku, Anya, or Gino who had entered the story would be different but sadly it isn't.

He gave a half assed apology to me and Nunnally and went up to Kallen talking about his beliefs and thoughts. Kallen adding on.

"Have you no sense of pride, Sir Bradley? Threatening an unarmed imprisoned woman." I looked Over to the voice. And of course my blonde best friend. Gino. "OI! Luciano honestly the only thing you've got going for you is your talent in homicide so please don't say anything that can be rebutted back at you~ but if you two wish to continue a squabble please step outside~" the two boys looked at me then at each other. "Yes Princess." The two guys walked out and for some reason. "Achoo!" I let out a short sneeze. "Ah bless you!" Kallen and Nunna said simultaneously. "Ah thank you! I am going to check something ! Have fun!" I waved off as I walked outside of the room.


I walked around the base in area eleven. In short I somehow made my way to the garage where they worked on the Knightmares. "End result, you're our little devicer again!" I heard the familiar eccentric voice of the young silver haired scientist. "Excuse me professor Lloyd now that you mention the Lancelot." I heard another familiar voice. The voice of my sister's fan. "You wouldn't mix up a strategic weapon with a tactical one, would you?" "I have thought it through. Any matter caught within the primary area of effect field will be annihilated by the FLEIJA's rapid sphere collapse." I heard the mousy girl say in such a calm tone. I had my ear pressed against the door. My badge having not been scanned did not allow the auto doors to open.

"Hold on! You want Suzaku to fire a weapon like that!?" I heard the dark Violet haired women yell in concern. "He'd kill his own people. A massacre." I could hear Anya's soft voice. "Suzaku, you don't consider yourself an eleven anymore right? That's why I want to entrust the FLEIJA to you." I heard the mouse girl say to my boyfriend. "You'd give me that burden?" "You were princess Euphemia's knight, so naturally." I couldn't help myself from being angry. I was hurt. Why?....I felt a slow tear stroll down my cheek and the another one from the same eyes. I heard the beep of my badge being scanned. I see the doors open. As I took a step back as not to fall on my face.

I see the shocked Suzaku and I couldn't help but let more tears stream down. "Ah! N/N ! Your Crying! What wro-!" I quickly turned to my left and ran off not letting him finish. "N/N WAIT! COME BACK!" I could hear the fast pacing foot steps following my tracks. I didn't see any mechs in the garden so I went out there. I looked at the concrete stairs knowing I would easily fall so I went through the grass and flowers. "N/N WAIT!" I could feel a strong hand grasp my wrist.

"NO LET ME GO!" I yelled trying to shake his hand off. "STOP BEING SO STUBBORN! TELL ME WHATS WRO-AH!" I toppled over onto the field of flowers. I felt something in the back of my head. It was his hand to protect my head. "Are you alright?" He asked with concerned eyes. I looked up at him. I couldn't help letting tears flow even more. I hid my face behind my hands. I let out soft sob noises. I couldn't help it. I could feel his hand gently grasp on one of my hands, pulling it away from my face. "Don't hide...your face is beautiful even when it's red and wet. Now. Tell me what's wrong." I pulled my other hand away. I looked straight at him.

I couldn't help my eyes. "I....IM JEALOUS! I AM JEALOUS ! IM SALTY!!! IM BITTER! I ALWAYS HAVE A BITTERSWEET FEELING!!! THEY MENTION YOU AS EUPHY'S KNIGHT NOT MINE!!! IM JEALOUS THAT I- I CANT CALL YOU MY OWN!!!" I yelled as I let my tears stream and stream down my hot, red face. I felt his hands on my cheeks wiping and wiping his thumbs under my eyes, snatching the despair filled tears. "You have the right to be angry and I apologize...and sadly it's not as easy for us...but I told you we are heart, mind, body, and soul. I am yours and you are mine. This relationship is equal share...I adore you..." I smiled up at him still having some tears flow. I nodded. I raised a hand up to cup on of his cheeks.

I looked around at the flowers. I see a common butterfly landing on a pink flower. "This is familiar...we have been in this semi situation before, haven't we?" I asked. "Yeah when we first met...not far from where we first met too...I thought you were Euphy...though I'm somewhat glad it wasn't...cause you gave me the strength to move on with my life...thank you..." we cupped each other's cheeks and smiled at each other. He leaned closer to my face and I felt the soft, warm, pressure on my lips. Small kisses turned into ones that were gasping for air...but nothing was may not seem that way to onlookers if this was a public area. But it IS pure...pure as fresh northern glacier spring water that has just melted. And this pure love is something I want to keep.

"We should head and meet with the others..." Suzaku said in a soft tone. "Yeah Your right....but one request?" "Yes? My Princess~" "carry me over there...please?" "Aww~ my little princess of chihuahuas wants to be cuddly~" Suzaku said in a baby talking voice as he picked me up Bridal style and made our way to the stairs. "say that or talk like that again and I will make us both fall down these concrete stairs..." "ohh a lover's Suicide~ How romantic." "You're nasty..." "you suggested it."


We had gathered up with the others here at the base as we watched the live broadcast from the television. "They're forming a union of nations, just as you said." Kannon confirmed. "But the militaries of each country will never be able to work together." Bismarck added. "Finally, article 17 of the United States Charter. All ratifying nations do now declare to abandon native military power forever." Kaguya announced. Which cause people in the room to be a bit shaken.

Suzaku walked out of the room for a call. I talked with Schneizel slightly away from Nunna. Then suddenly. "Achoo!" I let out a short sneeze I felt a pat on top of my head. "You've been sneezing a lot lately, your health isn't the best you know so please rest when you can." My older brother said. "Ah....yeah..."

𖣔 𝕀 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𖣔 (Suzaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now