dear brother

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A whole battle had once been going on. During that time Suzaku had to go fight...I get that he was strong then and is even stronger now especially with the Lancelot but during the whole battle I was in the commanding room where we gave orders and information out to the nightmare and burai pilots. Nunnally was brought to the palace that was in the Japan settlement.

During the battle Lelouch- no... Zero had left but that action led to their demise. Almost all of the Black Knights were captured. Zero was said to have been executed. I had been trying to get ahold of him but nothing. I had tried to escape the palace and go to Ashford Academy to find Lelouch but either Suzaku catches me or I'm caught up in my work, never having or getting the right time. It has been a whole year since all those events occurred and there is only leftover fragments of the black knights. I have had Nana with me the whole time we even thought about co-running Japan together both of us as Viceroys. Heck I have had Nana sleeping next to me, call me a baby but I'm scared of having her disappear, just waking up to not seeing her beside me.

Even Cornelia had disappeared without a trace. But Nina did come to be a leader of the royal research team still in the Japanese settlement. At first she thought I was Euphy but I quickly told her I wasn't but she still decided to try and be my friend. I honestly didn't mind I found it nice to have a friend other than Kanon and Suzaku who are knights basically being forced to be around us. But I do hope they enjoy being around us.

I was wandering around the palace until I had a phone call from a friend outside the country. "Hello Tianzi" "hellow Y/N what are you up to?" "Hehe not much, how is everything over there?" "Mmmn still not outside exploring the city I really am lonely here..." "well we are going to be somewhat related soon so don't worry your pretty little head, okay? I do wish that it wasn't for political reasons but yknow" "yeah..." there was a small silent pause, it was sad though Tianzi is still a bit young but she's a great friend ever so pure too. "hey Tianzi?" "Yeah Y/N?"
"I hope you find your love soon...or it could be that guy Xing-Ke hehe"
"W-Wha?!" "Hehe I'm kidding, I'm kidding but hey Tianzi I have to go I have some 'matters' to attend to okay?" "Mm yea we can talk another time, Talk to you soon!" With that we hung up on each other. I went back on my merry way to the Engineering Garage where there I found Loyde, Cecile, and Nina.

"Hello you weird bunch" i said with a smile as I made my presence known to the trio. "Why hello there princess, fancy seeing you here in this terribly kept garage" Lloyd exclaimed with his sly voice "it's only terribly kept because of you Lloyd!" "Oh dearest me! Is that true?!" "YES OF COURSE ITS TRUE!! AND THEY SAY YOUR AN EARL WHAT A JOKE THAT IS!" With that Lloyd let out a dramatic gasp. "WHY I NEVER?!! TELL HER NINA! TELL THIS WOMEN TO STOP BULLYING ME!!" "W-well uhm" Nina stuttered she seemed to be working on something. "Oh COME ON LLOYD DONT DRAG NINA INTO THIS!" I let out a giggle at the bickering between Lloyd and Cecile. When they heard my giggle they all turned their heads to me. I quickly noticed and I covered my mouth with my hands.
"Oh I'm sorry how rude of me!" I said my anxiety casually going up. Nina quickly then left her little computer station and up to my side. She cuffed my hands inside her's giving me a slight blush to my cheeks. "No! Not at All Princess! Your laugh is so cute! Besides they always bicker like this and it's always just in good fun!" "Oh?" Nina had made me feel a little bit better. "Thank you Nina..." I gave her a smile. Nina was slightly taller than me, so I had to kind of tilt my head up just to make eye contact with her.

"Oh! I was going to ask Nina-" i spoke but i was soon interrupted by a large boom. Slightly shaking the ground from the vibrations. "Uh never mind, I need to go see what's going on!" I quickly started running I I NEEDED to make sure Nana was safe. I soon found Nana in a conference room with some other people, they were shocked to see me barge in as I quickly went to Nana's side and hugged her. "Woah! Y/N ! Are you alright?! Your panting like it's the end of the world!" Nana said in her gentle tone. "Yeah I'm sorry Nana, I was just scared that something had happened to you from that large noise.." "I'm quite alright but really should get some water or sit down!" "Y-yea..." out of nowhere though my chest started hurting just pure pain. I guess the stress I had from trying to find Nana and moving quite more than I usually do got to my system. I soon felt my head hit the ground and after that I felt nothing or saw anything it was just dark.

Nunnally P.O.V

I didn't feel the warmth of my big sister Y/N around me anymore. Instead I heard a thump to the ground. "Huh? Y/N?! Y/N are you okay?!" I heard shuffling and moving around me. "call a doctor! Let's get the princess to her room!" Someone ordered. "Hey! Is my Sister okay?! What happened?!" I shouted I wanted to get answers but they weren't telling me anything.
Y/N's P.O.V
I felt so heavy but I was still able to open my eyes. Light from the sun was still shining through my windows so it must mean I hadn't been out long. I then noticed a presence next to me and there I saw...him...

I slowly sat up from my bed. His dark locks hanging over his head like always. Like feathers they look so soft. I stretched out my arm but a sudden wave of dizziness hit me again. "Agn!" I only let out a little noise of shock but seems like that was all it took for him to open his eyes. His eyes...a beautiful color that has a good contrast with mine and the rest of my family. "N/N! YOUR UP!" He blurted our In surprise. "Y-yea...but could you not shout? Or are you trying to kill my eardrums?" I asked in a teasing tone.
"Uh! Sorry! Haha...I'm glad your okay
N/N..." he leaned down into the bed and hugged me. "Of course I'm okay dummy! Don't you trust me? Hehe" I accepted the hug as we laid there on my bed. "Your one of my closest friends and I hold you dear so of course I trust you" we looked at each other and smiled "oh Suzaku I'd like to ask you something" I asked. "Yeah? What is it?" I was about to say what I wanted to ask but then a notification came onto my tv. As the news came and and there HE was. "Hey, I have to go alright N/N? I'll be right back! I'll call NaNa for you!" With that he left my room running.

I just looked at the masked man on the Tv and I knew it was IS HIM. UNDENIABLY HIM. I don't know how or why but for some reason I just know it is him a family member. "Oh...Lelouch...My dear brother..."

𖣔 𝕀 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𖣔 (Suzaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now