Gift of Love...

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I stood on a random balcony the warm air and light of the sun coming and fading with the movement of the clouds, blocking and revealing the beautiful ball is the sky that is again called the Sun....The sun is perfectly where it should be for if it where closer it would cook us...and if it were farther than we would freeze to death. How strange, the thing that keeps us alive can so easily kill us with just a push...but that's with everything in life right?...

I stretched out my hand in the empty air. "Pretty words alone won't sustain you.... Kindness alone won't heal you....." I muttered out...As I recalled those words... but from whom?.... "How true those words but...those wounds can be just much time...but that time of waiting is worth it...." I kept muttering to myself.

I looked back as I see Gino. "He's calling for you, Belle." He spoke. I let out a loose smile "thanks Gino...I'm coming." I spoke as I walked to the room that held everyone else.

I sat on a smaller fitting chair on one side of Schneizel. Nunna sitting on the other side of him. "There's nothing to fear the knight of One, the strongest in the empire, is in Kyushu. If we can just ride this out and remain anchored in Tokyo, this will only look like minor trouble to foreign countries." Schneizel spoke to the people in the room. Nunna was worried and I couldn't blame her. "Hey brother, may I rest? I am not feeling well.." I say to Schneizel. "Yes. You've been looking restless lately...go rest." He answered me.

I got up and I went to my room. When I entered I changed to a nightgown. My hair was loosely down to my thighs. I lied down and clutched my chest...I really don't feel too chest hurt... my chest hurt and I couldn't feel any warmth. My body felt cold. Stretching my hand out...I felt heart ached but....something doesn't seem right....

My vision slowly faded as the rays of scattered sun light entered my room dully from my curtains...


I woke up and changed into my gown. I looked through the window as the night shaded the east of Asia. I stood in the garden. I felt...well not much...there was still that pain is my chest that something was going on but I couldn't understand what it was. My hair swayed in with the night wind. "I guess I should find Nunna..." I said to myself as I walked towards where Nunnally was.

I wandered the halls with this ache in my chest. I couldn't understand what it was. I don't understand...I want to understand whats going on. I went to the garage and saw Suzaku and Nina fighting. Well not fighting but trying to reason with her. "Alright. Suzaku..." Nina said to Suzaku with not the biggest approving look. "Hey Suzaku..." "Ah! N/N" Suzaku said in shock as he looked back at me also the other three. "Hey, it's not that I mind this or don't have confidence in your power but...good luck.." He let a loose smile but there was something about it that made me wither inside. I went up to him and hugged him. My arms going around his shoulders though it was a struggle with him being taller than me. "Come back alive alright?...but don't be too hasty... we know I like a clean finish..." I said with my voice cracking softly. "Of course. I follow your orders my princess~" he said as he kissed my forehead. "I'll be right back N/N..." Those were his last words to me as he entered the Lancelot.

I went to the room that held Nunna. I sat with her in the silence.


"Ms.Lowmeyer! We don't want to flee!" Nunna shouted at her. Ms Lowemeyer notified us that nobody can leave without us.

I pulled my device out and I could see what was going on through the eyes of the Britainnian fighters. I felt a hand on my wrist. "What's going on N/N?..." I looked to where the soft voice came from. "Well uh-..." me and Nina turned behind us heading the sounds of falling and punches? "Miss Nunnally! Princess Y/N!" A familiar woman with a pixie cut yelled. "Ah! Sayoko!" Me and Nunna yelled in shock. I looked back at my device. I was looking through the shields of The Tristan. Mordred, and Lancelot.

And  what I saw in the Lancelot's cover....he fired the....a pink light surrounded and....


"...hey..." I felt something poking at my cheek whilst the soft muffled voice went in and out. "...Hey....wake up..." I let out a muffled grimace and snuggled into the warmth that surrounded me. "Hey!" I shot up with the loud voice. I look to where the source for my disturbed sleep came from and it was non other that the Emerald eyed Japanese. "Mmmn...what is it Suzaku?" He started to talk but it was muffled to me, I tried to focus my senses but my instincts told me to do the opposite. And that's what I did. I smothered my face into the sheets, pulling the blanket over my head to keep it dark under there. His voice soon faded and I was starting to slowly fall back to my slumber.

I felt the bed shift slightly the springs of the bed letting out creeks with the pressure that was placed. I felt the fresh cool air enter under the covers and I soon felt the breath of someone else, hitting my skin. I looked to the side to see the pair of emerald eyes again. I let out a tired sigh. "What is it Suzaku?..." I let out with my tired voice. "Why are you so tired today? I mean it is usually a hassle to get you out but your mostly always up after me yelling, so what is it?" He said with his voice hinting concern. I looked at him and gave him a short sluggish smile. "I don't know, It's just one of those days where I don't really have the motivation to get up...I'm sorry for being troublesome but I honestly don't feel like getting up right now..." I explained my voice still holding that tired tone. "I see..." he mumbled as he then petted my head as he sat up. "Either way you have got to eat something, I'll go and get you some waffles, alright?" I looked at him and I held onto his sleeve. "No..not yet..."

I sat up and pulled the covers over our heads as the cool breeze entered the clothed bubble.

He looked at me with a hint of shock in his eyes. "I want to stay with you...longer.." I was of course still very tired but my instincts always tell me to stay by Suzaku's side. I've become so attached to this broken yet lovable person. I slowly leaned forward, the brunette infront of me doing the same. He placed his hand on the back of my head and slowly but softly our lips met. It was a soft warm kiss like almost all the others.

Our lips parted but only for a second before his came crashing down on me still soft but with a bit more force. The rush of blood going to my cheeks. I was still tired so I leaned down though giving him all the opportunities to attack me but that wasn't what would happen. It was just soft long kisses that were comforting on the skin and soul.

Every moment he treats me with care. I care for him more than anything else on this planet we call earth. He pulled me from my darkness and I couldn't help not stopping on adoring him. He is no god. But that's alright. Those scars make him human. Someone who has learned from the pain and agony is better than whatever god is out there... I adore him and I hate that this...

is a warm loving memory....

𖣔 𝕀 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𖣔 (Suzaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now