In The Wind

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Me and Nunnally were seated at the front of the meeting table as everyone held their serious stares. "Ehem. I feel that it is best to put this on the table so..." I paused as I felt the watchful stares on me. "I'm afraid to say that the Emperor, is missing." Shocked looks were presented on people's faces from what I just announced. "He's Disappeared?!" Cecile let out. "Yes. Nunnally and I, just received word from Prime minister Schneizel about it. It's important that we restrict this information to only those present here." I finished. "He also said that this situation is only known to a handful of people in the homeland..." Nunnally finished her continuation. "What happened to him?" Guilford asked. "There is no news on the investigation" I answered. "Hold on a minute! Won't this affect our plans to attack the Chinese Federation?" "If his majesty isn't present to issue a declaration of war, then we can't do anything!" Men from Cornelia's group worried. "And there's domestic security. If the numbers were to learn of the situation, you two had better have new policies in place. People expect action from authority figures!" Miss Lohmeyer warned.

"Uhh Miss Lohmeyer? Do you think you'd like to handle it alone?" Gino butted in. "Sorry. I meant no disrespect" "with all due respect Miss Lohmeyer, I've been the Viceroy of Area 11 for longer than Nunnally and I've handled it just fine without your guidance. I've already thought of ideas for the possibility that word did get out but those ideas would need to meet refinements on my part so I will consult a meeting with everyone in this room for those ideas another time." I gave a dead look at Lohmeyer, which caused her to look startled. "Yes. Alright."

I looked over the the three knights at the end of the table. Specifically Suzaku. In my mind I knew we were both thinking the same thing...which is with the emperor gone, Nunnally Should be safe...key word 'should'...


Me and Suzaku are to meet again with Kallen. "I hope you know what's coming to you~" I cockily said to Suzaku. "Huh? What do you mean?" "Hehe~ Nothing~" "H-Hey!"

Suzaku and I got into the prisoner meeting room. Where Kallen in a Yellow dress sat in a Glass cell. "Go on." I said as Suzaku entered. "I'm So Sorry!" Suzaku started. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?!" Kallen punches Suzaku in the gut. "There's no need to apologize! It's either right or wrong!" Kallen shouted at Suzaku as she Beat him up. "You think you can flip on the good guy routine whenever you like?!? Not when I'm this pissed off! Kallen Kouzuki's a soldier, not a sideshow!" And as Kallen finished as she sat down with a grunt and Suzaku crumpled to his knees at the door of the cell. "Hmph! I'm mostly pissed of because you're not resisting. There. Out me to death. An inmate assaulting a knight of the round should be a good reason enough for anyone." "No, I won't. Because I'm the one who did wrong." Suzaku said in tone of guilt.

Kallen being Kallen. Especially a pissed off Kallen "'No, I won't' I hate you!" "Alright! Alright Now! Kallen did you get some anger out?" "Yeah....I guess..." "hmm...I shall come check on you later if that's alright! I'll send someone to give you food okay?" "Yeah...sure." "Alright. Now come on Suzaku." I wrapped one of Suzaku's arms around my shoulder as we walked out and into an empty room.

I sat him down onto a sofa and I got up to get some bandages and ointment. "Let me see..." I grabbed his chin and patted my handkerchief onto his lip. "Mm, thanks..." "atleast your being obedient..." I put ointment onto the bruises on his face and then some bandages. "This ointment I'm putting on should reduce the inflammation and heal the skin faster. So that pretty face of yours should look good as new~" he simply gave me a smile. As he took off his cape and his coat. "Hey could you lift up your shirt or you know what just take it off. I need to bandage your stomach" "What?" "Hm? What's got you so nervous? I need to bandage your stomach area. Her punch could have bruised the gut so...." "Alright." Suzaku let out. His face held a red hue as he started pulling off his black shirt that was embroidered with gold fabric. As he did that I grabbed the long rolled bandages.

𖣔 𝕀 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𖣔 (Suzaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now