chapter 12

243 15 42

Day 8: Part II

Yujin was going to kill herself. And it was all Chaeyeon's fault.

And no, she did not just quote The Office in a life threatening situation where she should be scared out of her wits but she just did. Sue her for panicking.

If she was alarmed before, Yujin was certainly in full panic mode now because all she could think of doing at the moment was to scream. So she did.



Yujin let out the most uncharacteristic shriek at the sudden interruption. She slid down the metal door in a defensive manner, ready to hit whoever it was with the bag of coffee beans in her hands. She peeked from between her fingers and could only make out the faint silhouette of someone standing just below the staircase, adding to her earlier panic and the horror that was now crawling inside her.

Yujin didn't answer. Couldn't. Talking to creepy basement shadows wasn't what she signed up for when she brought upon this whole service thing. Speaking of shadows, she had just recently rewatched "Lights Out" and the one standing in front of her looked awfully like the one in the movie and oh my god-

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?"


Yujin squinted into the darkness to get a better view of whoever was speaking. Creepy basement shadows don't apologise for scaring the shit out of people. So if she was talking about anyone, the shadow in front of her certainly wasn't intending to be creepy.

She carefully descended the stairs, gripping onto the bag of coffee beans for dear life. Yujin felt shivers run down her spine for a second. So far she hadn't noticed any inhuman details about the shadow. That was good. So far, so good.

She noticed a bunch of long hair and the curves in its body and oh, it's a girl-


No, no, no, no-

Yujin wanted to laugh at herself. There, right before her, stood Wonyoung in all her glory looking straight back at her. Jang fucking Wonyoung.

"Are you alright?," the girl of all her nightmares repeated.

Yujin barely managed to mumble out a 'yes' before her mind went into another overdrive, one part of her cursing whoever was up there for bestowing her with such horrendous luck and the other part of her simply took off in full panic mode at the idea of having to be trapped in a dark basement. With Jang Wonyoung, nonetheless.

"So, I'm guessing the door didn't open?" Wonyoung questioned once more.

Yujin didn't respond. The worst possible scenarios only flashed before her eyes.

"We'll have to wait until someone else unlocks it from outside, then."

"Someone else?" Yujin squeaked out in horror.

"Well, someone has to clear these up, right?" Wonyoung pointed at the shelves.

"And how long before that?"

Wonyoung shrugged. "Maybe after dinner is over. I don't know."

The duo was engulfed in silence after that. Yujin took the liberty to pace back and forth between the shelves while the younger girl simply sat down on the floor in one of the lighter parts of the basement. Her anxiety was growing by the second and Yujin mentally cursed herself for leaving her phone back in the locker room.

"Don't you have a phone?"

"If I did, I would've had half a mind to use it and get us out of here."

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