chapter 18

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White. Everything was white.

Yujin wasn't sure of how long she'd been walking- hours, maybe days even. Her legs seemed to have a thought of their own, subconsciously taking her as far as they could go. The horizon was never visible, the vast stretch of white blinding her from all sides.

Maybe she was dead already. She couldn't feel a thing anyway.

Cool air breezed by softly, Yujin only realised after her clothes swayed along to it. What was she even wearing anyway? A hospital gown? Maybe she really was dead and she was walking herself to the afterlife or something. Or maybe she was in heaven, that explained why everything was white- why was she in heaven, though? She had no compatibility with anything pure whatsoever, Sakura even told her she'd go to hell once-

"Hello there," a voice came from behind.

The shriek that Yujin let out was incredibly high pitched, ultrasonic even. Before her senses could function properly, her reflexes beat her to it and immediately she was flailing her long limbs around in defence. One even slapped the person who was now in front of her and the said person groaned in pain.

"Ow! What the hell?"

Yujin stopped screaming. The Devil wouldn't happen to have a girly voice, would it? She carefully opened her eyes and took a see at the person in question. Sure enough it was a woman, dressed in white with long cascading magenta hair (the hair bleaching trend seemed to have touched the celestial sphere as well) and who was shooting daggers in her direction.

"This is why I regret making you humans."

Yujin felt colour drain from her face. Though she was sure she had none in the first place, considering how she was now dead or something. She had a whiff of what she was in at the moment but still asked nonetheless, cautiously, "Who are you?"

The woman before her dusted off her white dress with a frown. "You must be a slow one if you haven't picked up already."

Yujin didn't know if she should be offended. Probably not, for all she knew she could be zapped to the underworld for disrespecting the celestial beings or something equally worse. And Yujin sincerely believes that she doesn't belong to Hell. Sakura was being a jerk.

The woman spoke again, "But just in case you still don't get it, I'm God Jihyo. My followers call me God for convenience."

Yujin visibly swallowed. Words died out faster than she thought. So she was dead. The gears in her mind rolled rapidly to recall the reason she had died in the first place. Nothing. Her memory was muddled, empty gaps in between events and all Yujin could make out were blurry whites from the mess. She couldn't remember anything outside of the white world she was in.

"I believe you're Ahn Yujin," the celestial being spoke once more. "My assistant Sana informed me about a goof up in the records department. Dahyun the imbecile had misplaced your file after she had apparently found business in a frog race in the lounge and it had been misplaced ever since. Yeojin, my records officer claims she knows none about the race but I am beginning to suspect that she was the culprit behind the infamous race from the way she had skillfully frog jumped into my office this morning- seriously I should just fire my employees at this point-"

Yujin simply looked at God, God Jihyo or whatever with her mouth agape. She did know God spoke of many things, about righteousness, values, honesty, kindness and all the stuff she was supposed to learn at the retreat camps all those years ago and ultimately didn't but she didn't know God.......spoke that much. Rambled for a better word.

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