Chapter 13

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     (Y/N) POV

     We were all at the hospital, visiting Ayumu and everybody was acting like their usual crazy selves. It was up to me to be the bearer of bad news.

     "Guys, I hate to break it to you, but Ayumu can't run in your next match. You're going to have to find someone to fill in for him." I sighed as I looked in their direction.

     "She's right guys, you have to find someone who can run in my place." Ayumu looked at them reassuringly. 

     "But who?" Hozumi asked.

     It seemed awfully clear to me who was the right person but before I could say it, Riku beat me to it. 

     "Oh! There was this one guy who had talked to me and he told me that he had run stride before! Why not him?" When Riku said that, my eyes widened.

     Of course, Kyosuke would be involved somehow. I continued to stare out the window.

     "(Y/N), are you ok?" Riku asked as he, Takeru, and Nana were about to leave.

     "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Where are you guys headed?" I tilted my head at them.

     "We're going to go find that guy I was talking about earlier!" Riku exclaimed with excitement.

     "Alright...good luck," I said to them before they left.

     Something told me that it wasn't going to be so easy to get Kyosuke to come back. He's always been stubborn when it came to stride and this time seems to be no different. Plus, there was that whole misunderstanding.

     I got up from my chair. "Well, I should get going. See you later!" I said as I waved to them while I was walking out of the room.

     Ari was at his physical therapist's right now so I was alone. It was kind of a good thing since I was able to be alone with my thoughts.

     My entire being was hoping that Kyosuke would come back and that we could run together but another part of me knew that it wouldn't be so simple.

     Kuga and Heath had told me about the whole Kuga Beating incident since I wasn't easy to be lied to so I knew the entirety of the situation. 

     That also meant that I knew how Hozumi had felt about it. It hurt me a lot when he thought of Kyosuke in that way but he asked me to keep quiet about it. There were times that I was going to tell Hozumi something but Heath always stopped me. 

     I couldn't help how much I had missed him. He always made running fun and the club was missing him. Without Kyosuke, stride wasn't the same. After he left, Tomoe also left and the team fell apart. It was strange and unpleasant.

     I sighed as I reached my front door. I kicked my shoes off and collapsed on the couch.

     "(Y/N), how was your friend?" I heard my mom ask from the kitchen.

     "He's ok, he can't run for a while though." I sat up to look at her.

     "There's something else, isn't there?" She came over to the couch and sat next to me.

     I sighed, "There's this guy--" With those three words, I saw my mom get super excited.

     "Well my friend who's in the hospital can't run anymore so they have to find someone to fill in. The guy I'm talking about used to be on the team but he left after a certain incident happened. Now the new first-years want to bring him back but there's some animosity from one of the current members and the guy probably still blames himself for everything. I just want him to come back is what I'm getting at." I laid my head on my mom's shoulder.

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