Chapter 1

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~Finn's POV

My phone started ringing and I frowned confused. Who the hell would be calling me? Mom knows I'm at school. I grabbed my phone and looked to the ID: Christopher Hudson. I rolled my eyes and answered the phone. Must be urgent or else he wouldn't be calling me, he never does.

"Hello?" I said annoyed.

"Finn, ma boy! So good to hear your voice!" He said sounding happy. Why is he calling me?

"Do you need something, dad? I'm at school." I said.

"Geez, alright! I was just wondering if you'd like to come over to spring break?" He said and I'm really confused.

"What?" I said still confused.

"Cmon son, it's been ages since we last saw! I want to spend some time with my boy!" He said.

"That's because you never come visit or ever call me. You have a new family, why would you bother or having me to spend spring break?" I asked.

"Because I miss you, son." He said and I let out an ironic chuckle.

"Yeah, right." I said ironically.

"Please, son! I wanna know how things are going with you, bring your girlfriend, I wanna meet her!" He said and I frowned then it hit me, in our last call that was like four months ago I lied to him about having a girlfriend. He always was a pain in my ass about it wanting me to date his friend's daughter so I made that up so he stops being a pain. I know I should tell him another lie like saying that we broke up but I don't want to disappoint him, more than I apparently already do. "I'm offering you an opportunity to come to Malibu with your girlfriend. You can't say no to that."

"Dad..." I started trying to make an excuse and he sighed on the other side.

"Please, Finn. It's important to me having you here. Maybe you can bond more with your siblings." He said and I sighed.

"I just don't really think it's a good idea, dad." I said being honest.

"Please, Finn. Do this for your dad, please, please, please..." He kept begging until I gave in. "It's an amazing house in Malibu."

"Okay! Okay! Fine, if mom let me go, I will." I said.

"Great! Don't worry, I'll talk to her myself. I'm so glad you're coming, son! Can't wait to meet the girl that stole your heart." He said and I fake laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, sure...I'll talk to you later, dad. I have to go to class." I said lying, it's lunchtime, I just really wanna hung up.

"See ya soon, son." He said.

"See ya, dad." I said and hang up the phone. Oh God, I'm so screwed! I go back to the cafeteria and sit on the table with my friends and started looking around trying to find a potential girlfriend that would impress my father and show him that I can do good even when he's not around.

I was already losing hope until my eyes landed on the perfect girl, Rachel Berry! Yes! How come I haven't thought about that?! She would be great! My dad always said that I should get a girl like Rachel because she's an amazing girl with an amazing family and all that stuff.

Rachel and I know each other since we were little kids but we were never that close, but our families are. My dad left but as far as I know, he still keeps touch with Rachel's family. Me and Rachel, we never actually got along really well, I used to be a pain in her ass. I used to hide her dolls all the time. Poor girl, I was a little devil.

Growing up, eventually, my dad left and only stayed me and my mom. My mom still is a big friend with Rachel's family, but we stopped having formal dinners every week. The dinners stopped happening every week and when Rachel and I were old enough to stay home alone, we eventually stopped talking. Actually, that's kind of my fault too, I only talk to her when I'm very screwed at school and I need her help. She's the smartest person I know.

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