Chapter 13

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A Month Later

"Italy?" I said confused.

"Yes!" My dad said excitedly through the phone. He just told me that him and Eleanor will get married this summer in Sicily, Italy.

"Sounds amazing actually." I said surprised.

"And I want you all there! I want you, Rachel, Andrew and bring your friends too! An amazing summer in Italy! Everything on me, don't worry!" My dad said and I laughed. "Just send me a list with names of your friends! I'll send an invite to Carole and Burt as well. I just really am excited with all of this!" He said and I laughed.

"I'll send you a list, dad. I'm happy for you and Eleanor, I really am." I said and I heard him laughing.

"I'm really happy." He said. "I can't wait to see you, best man!"

"Dad, as your best man, I have to ask, do you want a bachelor party?" I asked him.

"A bachelor party, Finn? I'm not in my 20s anymore." He said.

"But dad, hopefully, that's the last time that you'll get married. What's the fun of getting married without a bachelor party?" I asked.

"Tell Rachel that and she'll kill you." Kurt, who was on the passenger seat listening to me talking with my father this whole time said and I laughed.

"You have a point, this is the last time I'll get married so fine, I'll have a bachelor party." Dad said.

"Yes!" I celebrated.

"And I'm pretty sure Lexi is planning something to Eleanor too, so you better come up with something good." He said and I laughed.

"I'll have Puck to help me, that means you'll have the best bachelor party ever!" I said and he laughed. "I gotta go now that, just got here at school. Send kisses and hugs to everyone except for Louis, to him you say to give up on my girlfriend." I said and he laughed.

"Sure, bye son, have a nice day. Love you." He said. "Tell Rachel I miss her!" He said and I chucked.

"I will, love you too." I said and hang up the call and get off the car and went inside the school with Kurt.

"Seems like you and your dad really started to get along pretty well, huh?" Kurt said.

"Yeah, I'm happy for that. I wouldn't have made it without Rachel tho. She was the one who pushed my buttons to go talk to him honestly and it was the best thing I could've done. Besides being upset for being abandoned when I was younger, I was more worried about my younger siblings. But my dad promised to never do to them what he did to me." I said. "And he really is a changed man, he is crazy for Eleanor."

"I'm happy for that and for you, you deserve it. I know how much that bothered you. You seem happier now." Kurt said. "And how many siblings do you have? I always forget one. I remember Lexi tho, that is really friends with Rachel. And there's the little one that is in love with Rachel, what's his name again? Luke?"

"That's Louis, like that One Direction dude." I said and Kurt laughed.

"Look at you, using One Direction references." Kurt said and I laughed.

"I date Rachel, I don't know if you remember that." I said and he laughed. "Anyway, counting with you I have six brothers and sisters. You, Lexi, Olivia, the twins that are Louis and Ryan and the little one, Sean. And Lexi has a boyfriend, Dan, that is like a brother to me now. Anyway, I didn't want them to suffer like I did. Because dad would always send me expensive things like that awesome black Ferrari that I drive around but it wasn't the same of having him. I couldn't bare the thought of seeing them suffer." I said.

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