Chapter 14

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Quinn's POV

"The party is the perfect night to do this." I said.

"Quinn, I know I agreed to help to break them up but this is too much. This is way out of league." Sam said shaking his head.

"Oh cmon! That's the only way!" I shouted at him. "I'll put some of this on Rachel's drink, she'll pass out, we bring her upstairs, leave her just in her underwear and lay her on bed with you and bring Finn and here and he'll see it."

"No, no, this is crazy. I won't do this and you won't do it either. Too much of this can kill her Quinn!" Sam said. "I'm not going to be a part of this. We can find another way but not this."

"Fine." I said pretending to agree to him. "You're right, too dangerous."

"Promise me you won't do it." He said.

"I promise." I said looking into his eyes and Sam said and leave the room and I groaned frustrated. If Sam doesn't want to help me with this plan, I'll find someone that will help me and I know exactly what to do.


I have the drugs in my purse and I'll I need to do is put some in Rachel's drink and everything will be settled. I called my cousin, Bryan, to help me with that. He's the one who's going to leave Rachel just in her underwear and lay down with her and I'll find and excuse to bring Finn upstairs.

This is perfect.

And if Sam dares to ruin it...He's dead. I won't have a problem on putting some of that on his drink too. Except that if he dares to tell anyone, I'll put a little bit too much in it.

Nothing bad will happen to Rachel, she'll just wake up single. That's all. Bryan won't do anything to her because I told him that if he tried to, I would find a way to frame him with everything.

See? It's not like I'm a bitch. I just want Finn.

I get at the party and everything is pretty much normal, people making out, dancing, drinking, playing games and stuff. I can't find Rachel and Finn anywhere tho, they're probably not here yet, they're always late for stuff.

Rachel's POV

"Baby, come on!" Finn whined from my bed.

"Shut up." I said putting mascara.

"That always happens, ya know? You always take ages to get ready and we're always late." He said.

"It's not like you're the most punctual person either, Finn Christopher." She said.

"Yeah but the party started like ages ago." He said. "I feel like my hair is getting white."

"Oh stop overreacting." I said chuckling. "See? I'm ready. Do you like the outfit? I'm not sure if I do." I said looking myself on the mirror.

"No, no, no, you look beautiful. Gorgeous. Extraordinary. Like a Princess. Let's just go." He said and I bit my lip softly.

"You mean it?" I asked and he chuckled.

"You can't look ugly even if you try to. You look hot as hell. Seriously. And I'll show you that later." He said and I smirked and he gets off the bed and kissed my lips. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah, we can." I said and he laughed and kissed me softly again.

"Gosh, I love you." He said and I smiled and kissed him again. I love the way that it feels to kiss him. Our tongues together is something that I'll never get tired of.

"Love you more. Now let's go Mr we're late already." I said and he laughed.

"Oh now you care?" He said and I laughed and he kissed me again and a few minutes later we break away and left my house together and get into his car and he drive us to Puck's. "I gotta say, I can't wait to this party to be over so we can go back to your house and take advantage that your dad is in New Jersey." He said and I laughed and squeezed his knee softly.

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