Chapter 5

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"That's life." I said throwing my head back with my eyes closed and I hear Rachel's giggle next to me. "I could stay here for the rest of the year."

"Me too." Rachel said. I open one of my eyes and look at her. Her hair is in a ponytail, the bikini makes her tanned skin glow, even more, she's wearing sunglasses and she's resting her body on her elbows while tanning even more. "Next time you decide to stare women in bikini, try wearing sunglasses to be more discreet." She said to me and I laughed and closed my eyes again.

"At least I'm staring at my girlfriend." I said emphasizing the girlfriend and she giggled. Happiness is the only possible word to describe how I'm feeling right now. I don't even care that I almost died or my father issues, I feel like everything is gonna be okay because I have Rachel.

"True." She said giggling.

"Rach! I did this to you." I hear Louis' voice and I opened my eyes. This is going to be good. I look at Rach and she takes off her sunglasses and looks at what Louis was giving to her.

"Aww, that's so cute! Thank you, Louis." Rachel said smiling and the boy looks he's going to faint.

"At your face, Finn! She loves me more!" Louis said sticking out his tongue to me and I just laughed. "See? This is Rach." He said pointing to the girl in the draw and I nodded. "And this is me." He said pointing to the boy next to the girl.

"And where am I?" I asked mocking.

"See this trash can?" Louis said pointing to the small trash and I laughed. "You're inside."

"Damn." Rachel said laughing and I laughed too. "I loved it, Louis. I'll keep it." She said and he smiled.

"I love you, Rachel." He said and me and Rach just laughed.

"Sucks for you, bro." I said chuckling and he buffed and left and me and Rachel laughed.

"I'm going to dump you and be with him." Rachel joked and I laughed. "He's really romantic."

"You could never." I said and she laughed.

"Oh yeah?" She said with a loose smile and approaching me. "If you excuse me, I'll put the draw of my future husband in my stuff so I don't lose it." She said and I laughed. She pecked my lips softly and stand up and went inside the house and I just half smiled.

"Finny!" Sean exclaimed running towards me.

"Sup?" I said to him. The worst part of having tons of siblings, you can't have peace!

"Me, Ryan and Dan wanna play soccer, would you please please please play with us?" Sean asked begging and I throw my head back. I really don't want to but I kind of have to, I don't wanna upset them.

"Sure." I said half smiling and stand up from the very comfy position to go play soccer with them on the beach.

After like one hour on the beach playing soccer with my brothers, I start to feel my face burning due to the sun so I told them that we should go inside. Since I'm the oldest brother, they obey me like puppies and we went back home.

"Geez, you guys were playing soccer where? At the sun?" Liv asked as we walked into the house and we laughed. She has quite a sense of humor.

"Shut up." I said laughing.

"I was going to call you all in soon anyway, lunch is almost ready." Dad said. "Finn and Dan, could you help me with the plates please?"

"Sure." We said and helped to take the plates outside to the table in the pool area and soon the lunch was ready and we sit to have lunch.

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