Chapter 6

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~Rachel's POV

"You look really gorgeous." Finn said and I giggled.

"Sponsored by Finn Hudson." I said giving a little spin and he laughed remembering that I took his card in exchange of helping him fooling this family.

"You broke me." He said and I laughed. "But I must admit, worth every penny." He said completely checking me out and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I'm happy to hear that." I said and he chuckled. "I'm kind of nervous to going out just with the girls. I still don't know if Liv likes me that much and Elanor I also don't know."

"Hey, stop." He said making me look into his eyes. "You're awesome, they like you. Trust me." He said and I still don't know about that. "And if they don't, who cares? I see them like one time a year."

"So you think they don't like me?!" I asked desperate and he chuckled.

"They like you, I promise. And Lexi is going to be there, she loves you more than she loves me. You're gonna be fine. You should worry about me, I'm the one having a "guys time". That won't be good."  Finn said and I giggled.

"Cmon, you're gonna have fun, see the bright side of the thing, Dan is going to be there as well." I said and he chuckled. "I'll see ya later?" I asked and he half smiled and kissed my lips softly.

"Of course, even if I didn't want to, we're staying in the same house." He said and I tap his arm and he laughed. "I'm kidding, yeah, yeah, I'll see ya later. I'll text you, I'll do whatever you want." He said and I smiled a little. He's so great, surprisingly, he's a sweetheart! Like I told him yesterday, I thought he was a jackass, because he was. The cheerios talk a lot, mostly of them already cried a lot over Finn Hudson. He broke their hearts like it didn't mean anything and that still scares me a little bit. But he promised, right? I may be being a fool for trusting him, but I do. I do trust him. 

I just hope I'm making the right choice.


"This is heaven. I needed some time away from the boys of that house." Lexi said and we all chuckled. We came to a spa, we're having a lot of fun.

"Don't even tell me about it, someday Ryan and Louis are going to kill me." Eleanor said and we laughed.  "They never get tired."

"I'm just glad I left the house, I was getting bored." Liv said and we all laughed.

"Finn who?" I said and they laughed as well. We're having massages, it's very relaxing. I could stay here forever, this is really good.

"It's nice having you here with us, Rachel. I'm glad you came with Finn, it's noticeable the difference." Eleanor said and I small smiled.

"Yeah?" I asked. "Thank you."

"Usually he's very annoying! Now he's just being annoying, so yeah, thank you." Liv said and I giggled.  "Like Lexi, she was extremely annoying before Dan." We all laughed.

"I was not!" Lexi said.

"Girls, this supposed to relax, not to fight." Elanor said and we chuckled.

"It's gonna be weird to go back to San Francisco and you guys not being with us." Lexi said. "I wish I could drag you two with us." I giggled softly.

"Rachel is not that big, we can hide her in one of the suitcases easily, Finn is going to be the problem." Liv said and everyone laughed.

The rest of the evening in the spa we got our nails done, got massages, skin care, talked, laughed and had a pretty good time. It was pretty fun. Now we're just going somewhere to have dinner. I grabbed my phone and saw that Finn had texted me hours ago.

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