Chapter 3

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"Rach, Finn, come here!" Lexi called out from the other side of the pool area and I look at Rachel questionably and she just shrugged saying she doesn't know what that is about. We just get up from where we were and went towards her.

"Whasup?" I asked when we sit with her and Dan.

"So, me and Dan wanted to go to Santa Monica today and we wanted to know if you guys would like to tag along. I mean, just the four of us, without the kids and parents."Lexi said and I look at Rach.

"I'm in if you are." She said and I half smiled.

"Count us is then." I said. "I could really use some time without the others." I joked and they laughed. "I'm serious, can't keep having my own brother hitting on my girlfriend all the time, I'm afraid that's a fight I can't win." I said and Lexi, Dan, and Rach laughed.

"I'm afraid you're right." Rachel joked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I'm excited! I've always wanted to go to Santa Monica! It's finally my dream coming true." Lexi said clapping her hands excitedly and we laughed.

"So when you're planning on going?" I asked.

"Maybe in like two hours? We wanna go before the sunset." Dan said looking to his watch.

"Sounds great." I said half smiling.


"We're here!" I hear Lexi calling out as she comes downstairs.

"Ready to go?" Dan asked.

"Yes, we are." Rachel said and I look at her and half smile. She looks gorgeous!

"Where are you going?" Liv asked.

"Santa Monica." I answered.

"I wanna go to Santa Monica!" She complained.

"Well, sucks for you." I said grabbing the car keys and Lexi laughed.

"That's so not fair!" Liv complained.

"Oh stop whining! You're a kid." I said.

"I'm not a kid! I'm like almost as tall as your girlfriend." Liv said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey!" Rachel said.

"She's not lying tho." I said and Rachel rolled her eyes at me.

"You may not be a kid but you're also not a teenager and that's their moment, sweetheart." My dad said. "Maybe when you get older."

"That's so unfair!" Liv complained.

"Like I've said, sucks for you." I said slipping my arm through Rachel's shoulders and we leave the house.

"I don't think your sister likes me very much." Rachel said and I chuckled softly.

"Don't worry about her, she likes you." I said and we all get into the car. I'm driving, Rachel is next to me and Lexi and Dan are in the backseat. Dan is driving when it's time to go back.

Malibu isn't very far from Santa Monica, it's like 30 minutes by car. The whole way there we just keep talking and laughing and listening and singing along with the radio. It was very fun actually. This whole trip is being so far more fun than I previously predicted. Rachel is more fun than I previously predicted. Sometimes I still get a weird vibe from my dad, I feel like he's hiding something from me. I don't know. I don't know that Rachel being here actually made me give them a chance, but it's being fun so far.

"We're here." I said parking the car and Lexi squealed excitedly and we all laughed.

"You're looking like 5 years old." Dan said as we get off the car.

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