Chapter 16

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(This is a chapter just to fill up, there are only one more chapter and then the epilogue! I'm sad this story is coming to an end but I already have a brand new one to post)

"Finally some time alone with you." I said and Rachel giggled as we have some trouble to share hospital bed because I'm too big but in the end we managed to do it. My family, her dad and our friends FINALLY decided to leave to eat something and I decided to keep my girl's company. "I don't want to get away from you anymore. Last time I did it you were drugged."

"Yeah, but I'm fine now." She said.

"I know, but I'm still scared. It was the scariest night of my life. Like the doctors took you off my arms and put you on the gurney and I you started to have a seizure and you were with blue lips and blue finger tips. I don't like to think about it." I said.

"Then don't. Don't think about it. I'm fine, you hear me? I'm fine. I just can't get extremely stressed or else my head will hurt. But besides that, I'm very much fine." She said.

"But still I'm scared." I said. "I can't wait for you to get out of here and our only worry will be Italy." I said and she laughed softly on my chest.

"I like the sound of that." She said as I stroke her hair softly and she yawned and I chuckled.

"Close your eyes." I whispered to her. "I'll be here with you, love." I said and kissed her forehead softly and we finally found a very comfortable position in this hospital bed.

"You will?" She asked.

"Absolutely." I said and she closed her eyes and I closed mines too. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more." She said to me.

"If you say so." I said and she giggled a little and I find myself getting tired to and eventually I fall asleep holding her close to my body.

Hours Later

I wake up confused, how many hours Rachel and I have been asleep. I can't barely open my eyes but I see Rachel quietly sleeping on my chest so I close my eyes again and just enjoy the feeling of being with her in my arms.

"I don't have the heart to wake them up, feel free to do it." I hear Kurt whispering to someone.

"Oh cmon, the girl just overdosed, givr her a rest." Puck whispered back.

"But they already skipped lunch because they were asleep, they can't skip dinner." Blaine whispered. Dinner? Already? Dang. I guess somehow we got too comfortable here.

"You know...To people trying to whisper, you guys are pretty loud." Rachel said mumbling and they chuckled and I just slowly nodded and refuse to open my eyes. Being like this is too good.

"Well, we all got here after lunch but you guys were asleep so we all left and now we came back but were debating whether we should wake you guys up or not." Santana said.

"We heard noise so we figure we got here right on time." My dad said walking into the room followed by my brothers and sisters and Eleanor. It's so full, I don't know how Rach doesn't get bothered.

"Hi!" Rachel said with a smile greeting the others.

"That's such a weird crossover." I said confused looking to my San Francisco family then looking at everyone from Lima. It's weird having all of them at one place like this and they all laughed.

"Yeah, it is." Rachel said chuckling.

"How you're feeling today, Rachel?" Eleanor asked.

"I'm fine, just fine. I just wanna go home." She said.

"And you will, but tomorrow." Her dad said. 

"When you guys are going back?" I asked my family.

"Tomorrow as well, the wedding plans are just crazy." My dad said and I laughed. It's so weird having my dad, my mom, Burt and Elanor at one place and everything being peaceful. "Then we only see each other at Sicily. Well, hopefully, I don't want any other family memeber almost dying." Dad said and we all laughed.


"Home sweet home." Rachel said relieved walking into her room and I chuckled. We said goodbye to my family in the hospital and they wemt back to San Francisco while Mr.Berry and I brought Rach home.

She's doing alright, even tho I can tell that she still is trying to understand the latest events. It is a lot to take it, it's weird to think that a week ago we were having lunch at school with Quinn and now she nearly killed Rachel.

"You're sure you're feeling okay, sweetie?" Her dad asked and she chuckled and throws herself on her big bed.

"100% dad, don't worry." She said.

"Okay, I have to go back to the hospital because I already took a lot of days off to be only with you there but now I have to go to work." He said. "You're staying here, righ Finn?"

"Yep." I said nodding.

"I don't need a sitter, I'm just fine." She said and we both just laughed.

"We know, it's just that you just came out of the hospital after an OVERDOSE!" Her dad said. "And the guy that was in the room with you is out there. I'm not taking another risk."

"I guess you have a point." Rachel said.

"You guess?" I said raising my eyebrow at her and she giggled softly.

"Just go to work that, I'll be fine. If my head hurts I'll call you." Rachel said.

"Alright, I'll see you later." Mr.Berry said with a small smile and kissed her forehead. "And you better take good care of my daughter." Mr.Berry said to me and I chuckled nervously. No matter how friends he is with my family or how long I am with Rachel, he still terrifies me because he's my girlfriend's father.

"I will." I said with a half smile and he left.

"Come here." She said widening her arms and I smiled and take off my shoes and lay on bed with her. "Much better." She said and I chuckled while wrap my arms around her waist and she places a soft kiss on my lips.

"I have no idea what I would've done without you." I said stroking her cheek softly.

"I'm glad we won't have to find out." She said. "I will never break up with you and I hope I'll never do anything to piss you off and break up with me." She said and I laughed.

"You could never piss me off." I said with a smile. "And I will never break up with you too."

"So I guess we're stuck with each other forever, huh?" She said and I smiled.

"I guess we are and I have no problem with that." I said and she just smiled. Can you imagine living without that smile? It's not something that I want to ever learn how to do.

"I remember us back in Malibu, we had just gotten together for real and I was so scared. Because I fell quickly in love with you and I was scared of coming back and you not wanting to be with me anymore. I thought you would get tired of being tied down. I'm glad you didn't." She said and I chuckled.

"How could I ever get tired of you? I feel like I can never get enough of you." I said and she looked at me with a smile. "And when you're like PMSing you have like 42 different personalities." I joked and she laughed.

"Shut up." She said laughing.

"I love you." I said chuckling.

"I love you more." She said and I kissed her lips softly.

I'm so happy she's just fine.

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