Chapter 4

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"Finny! Finny!" I hear Sean saying excitedly and I opened my eyes and look at him.

"Yes, buddy?" I asked him.

"Do you want some?" He asked offering his m&ms. Kids are so stupidly cute. "It's peanut butter! They're the best ones!"

"Uh...Sorry man, I can't." I said and he pouted.

"Why?" He asked sadly.

"I'm allergic to peanut butter, if I eat one of those, I'd have to go to the hospital." I said and he pouted.

"How about you Rachie? Would you like some?" He offered and she smiled.

"Sure." Rachel said with a smile and he gave her some m&ms then left. "He's so cute. Poor him, he was so sad when you didn't accept it. Are you actually allergic to peanut butter? If you made that up just to not accept, I'll kill you." Rachel said and I chuckled softly.

"No need to kill me, I'm actually allergic. Very allergic, when I was 8, I was at David Smith's birthday party and I ate something with peanut. I started coughing hard and my face got all swollen and my eyes puffy and I couldn't stop scratching and after that, I remember waking up in the hospital." I said. "So please let me live."

"Sorry." She said and I chuckled and kissed her cheek. What happened last night it's still very fresh in my mind and I keep replaying over and over.

"It's fine." I said chuckling.

"Hey Finn, can you come here please?" My dad asked and I shoot Rachel a confused glance then get off the pool and walked towards my dad.

"Hey..." I said confused.

"Hm...Me and Eleanor wanted to have dinner with you tonight, just you and Rachel at some nice place. Are you in?" He asked and I frowned. Why would he ever want that? "I already know the restaurant, it's by the sea. I went there once, it's amazing. You don't have to dress too fancy but not sloppy either."

"Yeah...Sure...I'll tell Rach." I said still confused and he smiled.

"Great." He said tapping my shoulder with a smile and I go back to the pool, where Rachel is.

"Hey, my dad wants to have dinner with us tonight." I said and she looks surprised.

"Okay..." She said nodding. "I'm nervous."

"Don't be, it's easier he kick me out of the family and keep you." I said and she chuckled.

"Why wouldn't he? I'm awesome." Rachel joked and I laughed.

"That's something I have to agree with." I said and she blushed.


"You look beautiful." I said looking to Rachel and she smiled blushing.

"Thank you." She said and I half smiled.

"Rach! Where are you going?" Louis asked looking up to her and she chuckled.

"I'm going to have dinner with your dad, your mom, and Finn." Rachel answered.

"Why can't I go?" Louis asked pouting.

"Oh please, you're 9, the pouting trick only works when it's Sean doing." I said and Louis sticks out his tongue to me.

"Me and Rachel are getting married and you won't be invited." Louis said crossing his arms and left and me and Rachel laughed.

"You wouldn't invite me to your wedding? Rude." I said to Rachel and she laughed.

"Okay, kids! We're ready to go!" Dad said coming downstairs with Eleanor. I grabbed Rachel's hand and followed them out of the house. I'm still not very comfortable with them, I don't understand why.

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