Chapter 10

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I can't believe heaven is over and hell is back again.


"Rachel! Wake up!" My dad shouted hitting my door from the other side. "You're so late already!"

"Just give me a second and I'll be right out!" I said snuggling into my covers.

"Rachel Barbra Berry!" He shouted again. "I'm walking in with a bucket of water and ice in 10 seconds." He said.

"Uh huh!" I groaned closing my eyes again and minutes later he came back to my room and literally threw cold water on me and I squealed. "Dad! Oh my God! That's freezing!" I shouted angrily.

"I told you!" My dad said.

"Dad!" I said soaked.

"Shower! Go! Go! Go!" He shouted and I groaned.

"Ugh!" I complained and went to take a shower. I'm furious! Furious! So angry! I put on my cheerleading outfit and dry my hair. I'm indeed late, but I don't give a damn right now. I can't believe he actually threw water on me. I put my hair in a ponytail and go downstairs. 

"Rachel! School! Now!" He shouted. "Don't you wanna see your friends and your boyfriend?"

"I do, but not 8 in the morning!" I scolded at him.

"School. Now." He said angry and I buffed and get my backpack and leave. I'm just so pissed at him that I didn't even had breakfast! I have to walk to school because I don't want my dad taking me and I failed on the driving test three times then I just gave up.

I get in school that is like super close to my class and I only missed the first period! I don't know why my dad was being such a pain in the ass!

I go to my locker and grab my stuff. If someone looks at me in the wrong way, I'll probably just kill the person. I'm still so angry at my father! I shut my locker making a loud noise and make my way to my second period and people get out of my way.


"Rach?!" Someone called out in the end of hallway and I turn around and see it's Finn and that kind of makes my anger go away. I walk towards him and he just smiled and kissed me softly. Mostly of the people around us was surprised because before the Holidays we weren't even close, of course people heard rumors and saw pictures on Instagram but seeing in person is completely different. "Hey, I tried to call and text you. I thought you were going to miss the first day back."

"I forgot my phone at home I guess, I was totally moved by fury to school today." I said still annoyed.

"Why?" He asked.

"Nothing important." I said still annoyed.

"Oh but it is or else you wouldn't still be pissed." He said and I sighed. "Your problems are my problems." He said and I look up to him with a smile.

"My dad was just being his crazy and annoying self. Just because I was a little bit late, he literally threw water on me. Cold water. It wasn't just a glass of water, a whole full bucket. I swear to God, Finn. I'm not being a drama Queen today." I said and Finn just starts laughing.

"He did that?" He asked laughing.

"Finn! Not funny." I said and he puts his arm around me as we go to the cafeteria.

"It's kind of funny if you ask me." He said laughing.

"Oh yeah? We'll se about that. Your time is coming, Hudson." I said and his eyes widened.

"You wouldn't." He said.

"Well, I wouldn't because I care too much but Kurt would be happy to do it. And I would love to watch." I said and he just laughed.

"Hey there, Finchel!" Santana said and I smiled and we just go to where she's sitting. "So you two are really thing now, huh?"

"Yep." Finn said with a smile.

"Aw, that's cute. Since you're out of the market now Hudson, is Puck still available?" Santana asked.

"Very much available." Finn said.  "Hey Puck!" He called out and Puck comes towards the table.

"Dude! I was looking for you." Puck said. "Ladies." He said greeting me and Santana.

"Puck, why don't you sit with us?" I asked with a smile and I look to Santana then look at him and by the smirk he had, he got the message.

"Sounds great." He said and I smiled looking to Finn and he winked to me, he also got the message.

"Oh hello there." Kurt and Blaine said approaching the table and sit with us. "So weird having my brother and his weird friend here."

"You love me and you know it." Puck said and everyone laughed. "If I was gay you would totally go after me instead of Blaine."

"Hey! I thought we were friends, can't believe you would stab me like that!" Blaine said and we all laughed and I just rest my head on Finn's shoulder.

"Is that a couples table only?" Quinn asked approaching the table.

"Me and Santana are not a couple." Puck said.

"Who said anything about you and Santana? I overheard that you and Kurt are having a thing." Quinn said making everyone laugh.

"Quinn! I missed you, I haven't seen you yet. How was your holiday?" I asked her with a smile.

"Fine, it wasn't Malibu, but it was great." She said with a weird smile and I frowned confused. Why she has this attitude? Probably not having a good day.

"Oh yeah! Tell us everything about Malibu! And how you two actually got together, I was so confused when Rachel told us that you two were suddenly really together." Santana said. "And show us the pictures!"

"I wanna see it too!" Puck said.

"Oh me too! I know I saw it before but they're just so cute." Kurt said and I chuckled.

"We got together when we went to Santa Monica, it was like in the beginning." Finn said and tell the whole story about how he almost died because of allergies and everything.

Aw, I miss that so much, I mean, I don't miss Finn almost suffocating to death but I miss Malibu and his family. They're all so amazing.

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