Chapter 7

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"You have such a weird laugh." I said laughing and Rachel laughed harder.

"Stop making me laugh!" She said still laughing.

"Okay." I said with a serious tone but that only made her laugh harder. That's the greatest thing about Rachel, she doesn't know exactly what she's laughing about, she just laughs. She doesn't make any sense, probably that's why I'm in love with her.

I know she's scared of this being just a momentary thing but I know it isn't. I know she's scared of my past and my reputation with the girls. But I would never ever hurt her. Never. I'm scared too, I'm scared of her realizing that she's way out of my league. She's too good for me.

My phone started ringing and I grabbed it and looked to the ID: Puck. That's weird. "Hey man, sup?" I said answering confused and looking down to my lap where Rachel is resting her head, I don't even think she noticed that I'm on the phone, she's still giggling. Cute.

"Finny-boy! I'm glad you answered, whatcha doin'?" He asked.

"Nothing, just hanging with Rachel. Why?" I asked. I tell him everything so I told him about the plan but I already updated him with the latest news of me and Rach actually being together. He was happy for me, he said he wanted me to get Rachel's friends number for him, he's unbelievable.

"Awesome! Put on the speaker." Puck said and I'm confused and put on speaker. "Rach!" He said happily and Rachel looked at me confused.

"Puck?" She said confused.

"Hey! Yeah, that's me!" He said. "So Rach, how things are doing with Finny-boy?" She laughed with the nickname and I just shake my head.

"Remember that I'm listening so try to not hurt my feelings." I said and they both laughed.

"Things are doing pretty great, why?" She said confused.

"I don't know, I was just bored and feeling like talking to someone." He said and she giggled. "And by the way, Rach, if he hurts you, give me a call."

"Wait what?" I asked and both laughed.

"To kick your ass, man. Ya know that bro's girls are like dudes for me." Puck said and we laughed. "But if you hurt her, I'll have to kick your ass."

"Oh so you're guys are best friends now and I'm out?" I asked and both laughed.

"Yeah, pretty much." Rachel said and we all laughed. Rachel and Puck know each other for a long time, I don't even know how close they are but I guess it's close enough for him threat to kick my ass if I hurt her feelings. We stay like another hour talking with Puck, he's pretty funny so it's not a waste of time and he was actually really bored at home alone.

"I adore Puck, I always laugh so much with him." Rachel said giggling.

"You laugh about everything, babe." I said and she giggled.

"True." She said giggling.

"Hey, you wanna go out tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Where to?" She asked.

"Cmon babe, we're in California and we didn't go to LA yet. I would be sort of disappointed if we didn't and Kurt would kill me and he called me this morning telling me to send him pictures of Hollywood or else he would kill me." I said and she laughed.

"Sounds awesome, Lexi told me that she and Dan went to Los Angeles in the day we got here. She said it was awesome. We can ask her where she went." Rachel said and I smiled.

"Okay then, I'm excited now." I said and she giggled.


"Dad, can I get the car?" I asked.

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