Chapter 9

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"We are going to miss you so much!" Eleanor said hugging me tight then hugging Rach.

"Congratulations again!" Rachel said smiling to her.

"Oh thank you sweetheart!" Eleanor said. "I'm already excited to see you two again!"

"We'll go to San Francisco to the wedding, you guys won't even have time to miss us!" I said chuckling.

"And Rachel, tell your dad to bring his ass to this wedding! He already bailed on the party yesterday!" My dad said and she laughed.

"He's very busy at work but I'll make sure he comes." Rachel said chuckling.

"You better!" Dad said joking and she chuckled.

"I'm going to miss you so much, roomie!" Lexi said hugging Rachel and she giggled.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Lex." Rachel said.

"How about me?" I asked and she laughed and hugged me. "I'm going to miss you, Finn."

"I'm going to miss you too." I said.

"Seriously Finn, if you hurt her I'm going to ban you from the family." Lexi said to me and I laughed.

"Don't worry." I said chuckling.

"Don't go!" Louis shouted hugging Rachel's legs. "Don't leave me!"

"Hey, it's not like we're neve seeing each other again." She said to him and our flight was called. Rachel kissed Louis' cheek, who looked like he was going to faint after that. We hugged everyone and said our goodbyes to everyone and we walked through the gates. I'm sad we're leaving.

"I'm kind of sad we're leaving." I said.

"Yeah, me too. Don't wanna go back to reality." Rachel said and I chuckled. "Isn't weird to think how we were when we got here? I mean, we argued all the time." She said and I laughed.

"Really weird." I said. "Feels like ages ago."

"Right? I don't wanna go back to school or to Coach Sylvester!" Rachel complained and I laughed. Coach Sylvester is the worst, I can't blame her.

"You love being a cheerio." I said and she sighed.

"I know I do, it doesn't mean I have to love that bitch as well. She filled up Santana's locker with dirt." Rachel said and I laughed.

"Yeah, she's the worst." I said and she giggled.

"You're lucky for having Coach Beiste, she can be all tough on the outside but we all know inside she's a softy. Sue is just a cruel bitch with no sympathy." Rachel said.

"Damn." I said surprised.

"She's worst than it sounds." Rachel said. "Although I'm going to miss everyone here, I miss my dad and my friends."

"Yeah, I miss my mom too." I said. "But I sure don't miss waking up with Kurt squealing around." I said and she laughed.

"It's going to be so weird not be with you 24/7." She said and I smiled to her. She's so damn cute. "I got used to like wake up with Lexi, meet you downstairs, spend the day with you and then going to sleep. Without any worries."

"That's definitely what I'm going to miss the most." I said and she smiled.


"I'm going to miss you." I said hugging her tight and she laughed.

"You'll see me on Monday." She said and I rest my face on the top of her head. We called the cab driver that brought us to the airport, he was excited to see us, specially when we told him that we're together. It was very funny.

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