The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.-F. Scott Fitzgerald
**************************************"What the hell is this?" I took one of the small packet from the bag that was filled white powder.
"Are these?" I muttered horrified, too scared to carry on.
"Listen its not-" he started and I snapped my eyes to him forming them into a glare.
"Answer my question" I snapped up at him and he sighed defeated.
"Yes" he simply muttered looking down at his hands.
'Don't give up on him' Mike's words ran through my brain yet again and I was forced to calm down.
I closed my eyes counting backwards and then opening them again
"since when are you doing drugs?" I asked him calmly and he raked his hand through his hair.
"Fuck" he said frustrated running his hand through his hair and over his face.
I could see how conflicted he was. He wanted to tell me the truth but he also knew the consequences of it. The pain on his face was evident and I had a sudden urge to jump in his lap and comfort him but I didnt. I couldn't. So I stayed rooted at my spot peering down at him.
"Aiden" I slowly mumbled testing the waters and it was as if he had forgetten I was here.
"Shit Ella! I didn't mean to" he shook his head his once blue oceany eyes now dark and he looked at me in pain.
"I know" I told him soothingly trying to relax him down.
"Will you tell me how this happened? please" I asked him again patting his shoulder and he pulled me into his lap. He nuzzled his face into my neck taking deep breaths. He was trying to calm himself down and I let him.
Meanwhile my concerned gaze fell onto the boys who were watching the scene unfold infront of them and I mimed one word to them.
'Who' I mouthed to them careful not to disturb Aiden. Mike shook his head but Ace gave me the reply I was looking for and suddenly it all started making sense.
"Amelia" he said but he didn't mouth it back, he spoke loud and clear making Aiden snap his head towards him.
"What?" He asked Ace and he gave him an apologetic smile.
"Tell her Aiden. She deserves to know. Maybe she can help you" he said ignoring Aiden's questioning glance. "You can't go down that path again. Let her in" he spoke clearly trying to put some sense into him. Ace moved to sit across from Aiden. He rubbed his knees anxiously looking at Aiden and then me. When Aiden made no attempt to answer him or tell me anything he sighed.
"When Aiden moved here, he was alone for a few months before Mike and I followed him we had some of our stuff to take care of." Ace started and Mike worried gaze fell onto him.
"Ace no" he interrupted him, warning him to stop.
"No! She knows he is doing drugs. She already must have thought of the worse by now. And let's face it. She is the only one who can get him out of this. Otherwise we'll have a repeat of what happened 2 years back and I am not going pick his shit up this time" he growled back at Mike. This was the first time I was looking at this side of his. Just by the way he was behaving I know this must be serious. Otherwise it's hard to work Ace up over nothing.
"Anyways" Ace started again when Mike shut up. "Amelia initially came with him to help him settle down and stuff. Long story short, she got him involved in drugs. When Mike and I moved here by then he was a big drug dealer around here. Apparently in few months he managed to gain quite a few fans." He laughed bitterly at his own joke.

Never Thought
RomanceIsabella is a 18 year old girl, her life use to be different. She was also like other normal teenage girls. Lively, Chirpy and talkative with a perfect set of parents. But this all changed after that one incident. The one incident that made her brin...