Journey to Planet Titano

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"West City High School,12:00 P.M"

In the football field of the High School, Titano and his girlfriend Tina sparred with one another as Kiryu,X, Blackfire,Gigan and Yamcha watched from the stadium.

X: Feels good to be home at last!

Tina throws a punch at Titano who dodges before sweeping her off of her feet with his leg. Tina jumps back to her feet before attempting to spinkick only to have her leg caught before being tossed to the side.

Tina: Oww! You dick!

Titano: It's all part of the training baby!

Tina throws a barrage of punches at Titano. Tina proceeds to knee Titano in the ribs only to hurt her own knee and fall to the ground.

Titano: Alright we'll a ten minute for some snacks and then we'll be right back into the swing of things!

Tina: *Sigh* Are you kidding me?

Titano: Well if you want to join this team then you'll have to be fit to meet the requirements!

Titano pulls Tina from the ground before walking her over to a nearby bench.

X: Guess it's halftime already! Which mean it calls for a lunch break!

X, Blackfire and Gigan stand from their seats before walking towards the concession stand.

X: You two coming or not?

Kiryu: I'm a little stuck here!

Yamcha: Hey wizard guy! Can you lend me a hand?

Gigan: Help yourselves! I'm not missing out on nachos for you and by the way the name's Gigan!

Gigan levitates from the ground before slowly flying forward.

Yamcha: Is he always like this?

Kiryu: Yep! Even on his "good days"!

On the bench Titano wraps Tina's leg up with bandages.

Tina: I'm tired of this!

Titano: Tired of what?

Tina: I'm tired of being just some little small town girl who can't even lift 100 pounds by herself! I want to be just as strong as you! I want to be a hero! Someone who can change the world by doing great things!

Titano: You already do! You're a nurse that saves lives!

Tina: I'm not talking about being a nurse anymore! I want to become exactly like you! Strong and fearless!

Titano: How do you plan on doing that exactly?

Tina: I guess magic?

Titano: Not a good idea! Besides there's some strong humans like Tien or Krillin! Yamcha never was strong so he never does count!

Kiryu: A little help would be nice!

Titano and Tina stand from the bench and turn around.

Titano: I'll be right with you in a few!

Suddenly a ship descends from the sky as four reptilians with Titano modeled armor and scouters step off of the ship. The leader hurls a disc at Titano, surrounding him in an energy field which held him in place.

Cranboa: Titano you're here by under arrest for counts of treason and abandoning your post under orders by the High Titano Council! You'll be coming back with us for trial!

Tina: No he won't!

Tina rushes forward only to be hit in the back of the neck with a handchop  by one of the Titano Officers.

Cranboa: Take the little girl with us! We'll need her for questioning!

The Titano Officers carry Titano and Tina into the ship before flying off as Kiryu and Yamcha fly after them. Kiryu forms his hand into a Plasma Cannon before blasting a hole in the ship and heading inside.

In the control room, Cranboa picks up two signals onboard.

Tanbora: We've got company!

Cranboa: Then get your big lazy ass up and deal with them!

Tanbora heads out of the room and walks down the hallway only to be uppercutted by Goten.

Yamcha: Where's our friends!?

Tanbora mulekicks Goten, sending him crashing against a wall before tackling him to the ground and repeatedly punching him. Meanwhile Kiryu heads through an open door and finds himself inside of the prison sector where there were inmates from other worlds, screeching and banging against the windows.


Kiryu looks around and finds Titano inside of one of the cells.

Kiryu: Hang on!

Kiryu walks up to Titano's cell before taking a look at the password panel.

Kiryu: You'll be out in a few!

Kiryu types in a combination which causes Titano's cell to depart from the ship before launching off into space.

Kiryu: Damnit!

Suddenly a energy bolt hits Kiryu in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious as Cranboa and Tambora walk inside.

"12:30 P.M"

X, Blackfire and Gigan walk back to the stadium nachos,burgers and drinks only to realize that Kiryu,Goten,Titano and Tina were completely gone.

Blackfire: That's weird! They were just here a few minutes ago!

Gigan sets his food down before heading down to the field where he picks up metal fragments.

X: What's wrong?

Gigan: Someone was here. I sensed that their energies are some distance away from Earth.

X: That's not good! We need to tell the team about this! We've got a rescue on our hands here!

X takes a bite of his burger before staring off into space.

"Planet Titano"

Titano crawled out of his cell and walked down a path in a steaming hot desert wasteland before passing out on the way from exhaustion. One hour later a floating vehicle stops alongside the path before the driver hopped out.

"Titano! Titano!"

Titano's eyes slowly opened as he saw a shadowy figure standing over him.

"Wake up nephew! It's your uncle!"

Titano opened his eyes completely, finding a Titano wearing blue armor,black pants,blue scouter and boots helping him to his feet.

Titano: Who are you?

Tora: I'm your uncle Tora! Remember?

Titano looks at Tora confused.

Tora: Well obviously you don't! Anyways come with me! I've got to refresh your memory a bit!

Titano hops inside of the floating Jeep before Tora floors it, driving off faster than 180 MPH down the trail.

"To be continued"

Note: I'll be remaking the rest of the parts of this arc or whatever you'd like to call, mainly because it doesn't help with adding to the lore and origin of Planet Titano.

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