Episode 84: Grudge Match

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"Diablo Mountains,11:50 A.M"

Goku and Vegeta descended from the sky before landing on a hill overlooking an open field where X and Titano stood several feet apart.

Goku: This outta be a good one!

Vegeta: It better be a good one if it interrupts my training to be a god!

Goku: Who do you have winning this one Vegeta?

Vegeta: My bets are on the lizard man! Last time I've checked he blasted Cell off into space and obtained God powers!

Goku: Well I'm going with X here! Mostly because he knows some of my techniques and we all know that they're better than yours!

Vegeta: You don't even have your own techniques Kakarot! Hell most of them you use are borrowed from someone!

Meanwhile on the open field,X and Titano had stretched in order to warm up for the big fight ahead.

X: It's been awhile huh?

Titano: Yes it has!

Titano begins cracking his knuckles before popping his neck.

X: I just wanted to finish what we've started years ago! After all there was no winner declared!

Titano: There will be now!

Titano balls his fists as he began powering up, causing rocks to lift up as the ground began shaking.

Titano: The table has now been set!

Titano yelled and released a burst of energy as he had transformed into Super Titano, sending X sliding backwards a few inches.

Super Titano: Let's begin shall we?

X smirks confidently.

X: Sure!

Song- Halustwin: Red Power(Remix)

Super Titano powered up and rushed towards X, throwing a barrage of punches. X dodged the punches and kneed Titano in the chest before slamming his fists against his back, sending him crashing into the ground.

Super Titano hopped back to his feet and swept X off of his feet with a roundhouse. X looked up and immediately rolled to his right as Titano nearly slammed his foot into his face.

X stands back to his feet before getting into a fighting stance.

X: How about we skip the warm up and get straight to business?

Super Titano: Sure!

X and Titano powered up before charging towards one another as they had began trading quick blows. X catches Titano's fist and punches him in the jaw before kicking him dozens of feet into the air.

X then teleports with Instant Transmission before slamming both of his fists against Titano's chest, sending him crashing into a hill below.

Super Titano: That's more like it!

Super Titano unleashes an Explosive Wave, blasting the entire hill into pieces as he had ascended into the sky where X was waiting. X and Titano looked one another in the eye as bolts of electricity crackled in between.

X: Let's go!

X and Super Titano yelled at the top of lungs before going at it once again, trading quick blows as they flew across the area. X dropkicks Titano in the chest before spinkicking him in the jaw, sending him flying backwards.

X launches an energy blast only for Titano to teleport out of the way, letting the blast destroy a nearby mountain in a large explosion.

"Behind you!"

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