"Pinegrove Mountains,10:00 P.M"
Within the mountains,a platoon of GT Military Soldiers armed with AK-47s and Military Jeeps with .50 Cal Machine Gun turrets position themselves on the highway as await for their targets.
Elite Appule#2: Hold your fire!
Suddenly a large bus hurled through the air before crashing and exploding in a ball of fire which engulfs the soldiers.
Elite Appule#2: OPEN FIRE!
A barrage of energy blasts rained from the sky, striking multilple vehicles and soldiers in multilple scattered explosions. Turles and Zangya descended from the sky, Raditz jumped from a hill and Nappa charged forward, running multilple soldiers over in his stampede. Meanwhile a small mountain Bardock, Piccolo, Titano,Gohan,Kiryu and Gigan watched the battle carry on.
Titano: Well that's quite a surprise!
Bardock: The Crusher Corps have long since cuts ties with the GT Military years ago. The reason is that they were bombarded with multiple accusations of treason, theft, extortion, insubordination, and various different crimes against the South Nation's government.
Kiryu: Ok! That's one explanation! Now tell me this! Why don't we just leave the two factions to duke it out and take each other out for us, huh? Make our jobs a whole lot easier!
Bardock: If we leave these two brutal factions unchecked, countless innocent lives are going to be lost, and won't stand for it! Now let's get a move on!
Back on the highway, Zangya bends down and grabs a crate from the wreckage of an overturned military transport truck.
Zangya: Looks like we've hit the jackpot tonight, boys!
Turles: Excellent! Now let's take our leave before reinforcements arrive!
Suddenly a knife had hit Zangya in the hand, causing her to immediately to the crate on the ground. Bardock, Piccolo,Gohan, Titano,Kiryu and Gigan descended from the hillside before landing onto the opposite side of the highway.
Gohan: Missed us?
Turles: Hardly! Crusher Corps! Attack!
Bardock: SWAT! Move in!
Raditz activates his Electro Gauntlets before slamming them together, firing a large bolt of electricity at Kiryu who quickly dodges and fires an energy wave from his Plasma Cannon.
Raditz was hit in the chest, flying backwards before smashing through the front of a nearby pickup truck which had exploded. Nappa and Piccolo traded blows with one another as Titano and Zangya dueled with weapons.
Titano swings a rebar club at Zangya who blocks it with her Bladed Yari Staff before disarming him and kneeing him in the balls.
Titano: I'm definitely feeling that tomorrow!
Titano fell down to his knees, holding his nuts in pain as Zangya walks up to him before pointing her Yari Staff at his Juglar Vein.
Zangya: Fortunately enough for you your painful experience is cut short tonight!
Song- American Pearl: Seven Years
Suddenly a ball of energy hit Zangya in the face, causing her to look to the left only to be kicked in the jaw by Bardock. Zangya smashed into the hillside from the kick. Bardock pulls Titano back to his feet before dusting him off.
Bardock:You good?
Titano: Little sore still,but I'll live to see another day!
A few dozen feet in the sky, Turles and Gigan fly over the wooded area, firing energy blasts at one another. Large explosions send trees flying as a multiple wildfires had began.
FanfictionBare witness to the tales of the action packed adventures of SWAT and M.I.B, two of Earth's most elite and powerful superhumans teams in their neverending struggle to protect the planet and its inhabitants from the forces of evil!