New Age: Part 5

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"Pacific Ocean,1:00 P.M,"

The Pride Trooper's MCV flies overhead as they were on their way to Europe for a mission.

Kaseral: We've got an emergency signal on the radar sir!

Toppo: What is it?

Kaseral: I don't know!

Suddenly a loud boom was heard outside, causing the MCV to lose control for a moment. Dyspo unbuckles his seatbelt before taking out of the window where he spotted Torvaq and Titano fighting.

Dyspo: You guys should come take a look at this!

Outside, Super Titano rushes towards Torvaq only to be clotheslined and kicked hundreds of feet from the sky before slamming down into a nearby island. Super Titano fires an energy wave as Torvaq teleports behind him before slamming his elbow into his spine, causing him to scream in pain.

Torvaq: You underestimate my strength Titano!

Torvaq ascends into the sky and places his hands together as he charges up a Final Galick Cannon.

Super Titano: Come on!

Torvaq fires the Final Galick Cannon, creating a massive explosion that had obliterated entire nearby islands with ease. A few seconds later, Titano rises from the water with an Energy Barrier surrounding him.

Torvaq: I could easily destroy with a single blast of my Orion Beams!

Super Titano: That's crazy! But do you not what's even crazier?

Titano teleports in front of Torvaq before uppercutting him, sending flying into the sky and past the clouds.

Super Titano: The fact that nobody asked!

Super Titano launches into the sky faster than the speed of sound before slamming both of his fists into Torvaq's chest, causing him to cough up blood. Super Titano proceeds to punch Torvaq hundreds of times at a rapid speed as he ascends all the way past the stratosphere and out into the vacuum of space.

Torvaq knees Titano in the face before punching him in the jaw, sending blood flying from his mouth and nose.

Torvaq: You've made a fatal mistake! One that shall cost you your life!

Super Titano: It was worth the risk! If you want me dead then go on ahead! Finish me!

Torvaq's eyes begin flashing firery blue as a grin comes across his face.

Torvaq: As you wish my son!

Torvaq fires his Orion Beams and pierces through Titano's heart, causing him to cough up blood as he slowly drifted back to Earth.

Super Titano: *Cough* Y.... you're no father of mine! D...don't you dare call son ever again!

Torvaq growls in anger and rushes towards Titano at light speed, grabbing him by the throat as they were on a quick descent.

Torvaq: You have spirit Titano! I honestly admire your boldness and ferocity for resisting for so long,but in the end this was suicide!

Both Titanos slams into the streets of North City, generating a powerful shockwave that obliterated entire buildings, sent vehicles flying, and split 1/4 of the city apart. A few miles away, Bardock, Future Gohan, Piccolo, and Uub stood on a building as they spotted the large mushroom cloud made of dust.

Piccolo: What the hell was that!?

Bardock: It's bad news!

At the site of the crash,Super Titano was lying in a crater on his back, coughing up blood as he was beginning to take his last few breaths.

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