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The Next Day

Violet's POV

I had woken before the alarm for once, talk about a surprise. Then again I had fallen asleep pretty early last night while snuggling with Roman in bed and watching Netflix. I glanced at the clock and it read 6am which meant I had two hours before I had to get to the performance center. Which meant I had time to go to the hotel take a shower and put on clothes that actually fit me. I slowly untangled myself from Roman then softly kissed him.

I decided not to wake him up and just catch an Uber back to the hotel. Not like he could really be driving me around at six in the morning anyways without it looking odd. I pulled on the sweats he had given me along with the shirt then exited his bedroom and began heading out the house.

"Sneaking out sweetheart?" Dean asked causing me to jump as I hadn't noticed him sitting in the living room drinking coffee.

"Maybe, problem?" I teased.

"You need a get away ride?" Dean asked as he took a drink of his coffee. He was only in his boxers as usual, I swear this man never wore clothes. Which was fine considering it was his house but still.

"What if I'm trying to get away from you though?" I asked with a smirk.

"Not likely sweetheart. So you want a ride or not?" Dean asked.

"You sure you can give me one? I'm going to the hotel where all the other participants are at." I said.

"I wouldn't of offered if I wasn't sure, Vi'. I don't care if you don't." He replied which surprised me. Why did Roman care so much then? Dean didn't seem to have a problem at all being seen with me.

"I don't care." I replied with a shrug.

"Then it's settled I'll drive you." Dean said getting up and grabbing the keys. Then began to head towards me.

"Dean, pants." I said and he rolled his eyes went to his room and put on sweats then returned.

"Satisfied, sweetheart?" He asked.

"Hey I just didn't want your crazy ass fans taking pictures of you half naked. I personally enjoyed the view." I said truthfully as we walked to the car and Dean smirked.

"Who wouldn't." Dean said in his typical cocky tone as we both got into the car and buckled up.

"I take back that comment, I wouldn't want your ego bigger than it already is." I said rolling my eyes.

"You know what they say sweetheart, the bigger the ego.." He trailed off.

"They weren't wrong.." I mumbled as I couldn't help but think about his long length swinging back and forth after that dare, he wasn't even hard then and he was huge. Ugh I really needed to stop doing that, I was with Roman.

"What was that?" Dean asked.

"Nothing, hey can I ask you something?" I asked looking at Dean as we headed to my hotel.

"You just did but since you have a nice ass I'll allow one more." He said with a wink.

"Is Roman embarrassed of dating someone like me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked.

"You know what I mean. I'm mouthy, I'm violent, I'm sarcastic as hell, I certainly don't look like anything special and hell I'm six years younger than him." I said with a heavy sigh.

"Well I'm mouthy and sarcastic as hell and he's dealt with me for years." Dean said with a shrug.

"Yeah but he's not dating you, is he?" I joked.

"If he is, he's about three anniversaries behind." Dean said softly laughing." But in all seriousness Vi', he's not embarrassed of you. If anything my brother loves a challenge and you certainly are one. As for not looking like anything special you're absolutely beautiful from head to toe and I'm sure he's told you that before. As for age you're 18 so you're good to go." He said as he parked the car at the hotel.

"Thanks Dean. Sometimes I can't help but wonder why me though? I mean he could have any women in the world." I said.

"Maybe he only likes women that slap him then take his money. I don't know Vi' my brother has a weird type." He joked.

"Thanks for the ride, Dean." I said and got out of the car and surprisingly Dean got out as well.

"What kind of man would I be if I let you walk to your door alone at this time of day." Dean said and we began to walk to my hotel room.

"In broad day light? Dean you saw firsthand I don't need protection." I said softly laughing.

"Fine you caught me, I just wanted to stare at your ass as you walked in front of me." He admitted causing me to roll my eyes playfully at his bluntness.

"That sounds far more accurate." I admitted then added." Although I'm not sure your brother would appreciate you staring at what's his." I said as we got to my hotel room door.

"So you're okay sucking my dick but not me staring at your ass?" Dean asked with a smirk.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Dean." I said blushing slightly at that memory as I couldn't believe I fucking did that but me and Roman weren't technically dating then. So it's not like I did anything horrible.

"I could always refresh your memory." He suggested.

"You can't refresh what never happened, Dean. Anyways this is my room, thanks for the ride and for walking me to my door. I mean staring at my ass." I said.

"Anytime, sweetheart." He said giving my ass a hard smack." And if you ever change your mind about that refresher you know where to find me. After all, I saw your staring at my dick and checking me out all weekend."He said with a wink then walked off and I entered my hotel room with a soft sigh.

Okay maybe I had stared but that didn't mean anything, it's not like I said or acted on any impulses. Not that there were impulses. Fuck maybe I just needed to be fucked again. Speaking of which I heard my phone go off and it was Roman's text tone.

"Hey babygirl, I woke up and you weren't in my arms.🥺Did I scare you off last night?" Roman texted.

"No babe, I just needed to go back to the hotel to shower and change into clothes that actually fit. You seemed so peaceful sleeping so I didn't want to wake you." I texted back.

"I understand beautiful. It just sucks not being able to wake up to your beautiful face." Roman replied.

"I know my face is pretty beautiful isn't it?😏" I texted back as I walked into the bathroom and began to run the hot water.

"It sure is my love.😍" Roman replied.

"Speaking of me and my beauty, we're ready to be dicked down again.😇" I texted then began to get undressed so I can shower.

"Oh suddenly someone's eager for daddy's dick again. Your whole not wanting to be touched didn't last long.😏👀" Roman replied as I finished undressing.

"I just wanted to show you who really was in charge, now I'm just allowing you to touch me again. You're welcome." I replied and attached a naked selfie of myself sitting on my countertop.

"😍😍😍If we didn't have training I'd be in your hotel room in an instant babygirl. Also it seems daddy didn't fully teach you who was in charge. Don't worry I'll make sure to this time." He replied.

"Whatever you say daddy. I'm going to shower, I'll see you at the performance center." I replied then hopped in the shower and began washing up.

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