The Pilot Saves

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Bradley struggled to sleep that night knowing that the person that lived just the door opposite him might have been fighting for her life.

There was barely a second that went by without him praying for her He heard her door open a few times and suspected that it was either Nanny Jane or his mom checking up on her.

Bradley though knew that he had to let God in control and not fear. Once more, it was that constant battle in his heart to give God full control and say that whatever happens, it will be his will. It felt like a mere impossible thought to do, and spiritually, he knew that it's what had to be done, but in reality...she might have been dying.

He battled with his conscious, especially hearing her door open the few times. The dead of night felt awful and he couldn't even close his eyes for 5 minutes without him waking up again.

Bradley was awake until that very morning when it started getting light. Bradley got up, got dressed in a thick jacket and went outside to clear his mind. He walked between the thick fog and dew of the morning as the sun was behind the mountains waiting to rise.

Bradley walked alongside the railway track with his hands in his pocket pacing up and down. The track had a shifting point at the bend just around the shattered and abandoned house of what once was the Crossford's. He walked closer to the bend when he saw something that shivered his heart, a figure lying beside the tracks.

"Hello?" Bradley said as he ran towards the figure. He wasn't a few meters too far when he heard a train leaving the station. He rushed towards the figure but when only meters away, did he see her blonde hair and realize who it was.

"Rain!" Bradley shouted. "Rain get away from the track!" He shouted loudly. "Rain!" He gave a blood curdling scream, but she didn't hear him.

Bradley ran as fast as he could to reach her in time. He got there just minutes before the train would come thundering down the lane. Bradley tried to hold her up, but she was unresponsive. Bradley shook her violently, but she didn't wake up and her skin was burning.

As Bradley tried to pick her up, something was with straining her from moving as the tracks shifted and her nightgown got caught in it.

Bradley's heart started racing, what was he to do? He didn't have any sharp items with him to cut the gown, and he tried tearing it off, but he couldn't. His hands was numb from the cold and the train was rumbling down the lane.

"God please help me." Bradley pleaded for help as he tried pulling her from the track. Bradley was nervous and he saw the train coming down the lane. The last thought in his mind was leaving her side.

Bradley looked at the rails, and there was broken pieces of wood and rock and even some jagged glass that laid on the side of the tracks. If he could get them in time, he might be able to cut her lose.

Bradley made no hesitation and ran forth to get the shattered glass, wood and rock. The only way he would be able to cut her free was to sit on the tracks himself and push her gown as he was busy trying to cut so that the material would stretch and be more vulnerable towards the jagged glass.

Bradley was putting his life in danger as he was trying to free her, but he didn't and couldn't care in the slightest, his whole motive was to save her. The train was coming fast and in a few seconds the train would be pondering down the tracks. The dress got worn out a little by his plan, but it wasn't enough to tear.

Bradley stood up and held her in his arm as the train started coming closer. He pulled and pulled and then for some odd reason decided to jump to the other side of the tracks. The train thundered as close as a needle tip towards them in full speed. As the gown stretched across the tracks, the impact of the train that missed them with just centimetres tore the gown as Bradley held her in his strong arms. He breathed in heavy and looked at her as the dust arose in the air as the train fled by. Tears streamed down his eyes as he breathed in heavy and knelt to the ground with her still in his arms.

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