Rain at the Railway

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Once the time was right, Rain's parents got out of the hospital and stayed with Bradley's uncle until they found their own flat. Rain stayed with Bradley's uncle for the time that she was in Bertusberg. But they soon decided that she could live now in Bertusberg and there was no reason for her to go back to Carniment Valley. But, Rain and Bradley volunteered to take Nanny Jane back.

Bradley wanted to fly them, but he didn't want to fly Nanny Jane so they decided to take the train. Calvin drove them to the station and dropped them off as Bradley helped the ladies carry the luggage and boarded the train. Nanny Jane sat between the two and Rain saw on the far edge of the seat towards the window. She wanted to say that it was slightly awkward, but, she preferred it this way.

The ride was long and Nanny Jane fell to sleep between the two. Rain sat on the one side of the seat and Bradley on the far edge on the other side. They didn't want to wake Nanny Jane. Bradley sat there and there looked at Rain with a smile and pulled out his phone.

"Hay." He said. When Rain got the message she started laughing slowly looking at Bradley who motioned to her to be quiet.

"Hay." Rain replied smiling back at Bradley whom leaned forward to catch her gaze.

"How are you?" He asked. Rain started laughing softly.

"I'm good and what about you?" She replied.

"I'm good. Miss you." He typed. Rain read his text and her heart seemed to warm up her heart.

"Miss you too." She replied. She leaned forward and looked at him with a warming smile. "But if it's his will, then I will wait." Rain typed again. Bradley read her text and smiled again at her. She was right...waiting was worth it.

The train soon came to a halt and they all left the train station. Bradley walked alongside Rain as she was helping Nanny Jane to the house. Rain paused and looked at her old house that once belonged to her parents. She would never get used to the feeling that the place held. She closed her eyes and tried to let the feeling go as she walked on.

Bradley and Rain said goodbye to Nanny Jane as soon as she was safe in the house. Bradley and Rain walked together alongside the railway. This was the first time they were alone in a very long time. Rain knew that she had to keep her boundaries still, but somehow this time when she was with him, this feeling burning inside her made her heart feel warm. It was like she was constantly losing her breath walking beside him and her heart was burning so much that it felt like it was set on fire. Staring into his eyes, being next to him and walking along the silent railway. This was her home. They walked halfway between the station and house of Nanny Jane when she stopped Bradley.

"Bradley." She said softly.

Bradley's heart somehow was on the edge this whole time and hearing her call out her name made it feel like his heart was going to stop.

"I know I've said it to you over a hundred times, but Bradley I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me." She looked down as Bradley came closer to her and stood facing each other. The wind blew strong and it whipped her hair back as she heard the train's whistle. If they didn't leave now then the they would miss the train. But the bond that they had at that moment couldn't be breakable.

"I'd do anything and everything for you Rain." Answered Bradley with a smile. "And that is why I will wait." He said softly in a near whisper. Rain stared into his eyes as she saw the universal stars shining in his blue eyes. The train in the distance was departing the station slowly as they just stood there like all the fears and thoughts that ever troubled their hearts was taken away for the moment. Bradley held Rain's hand as Rain leaned her head against his and they both closed their eyes.

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