Chapter 1

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The sign Sunny Smile became visible even behind the thick bushes. As the bus pulled into the main entrance, Celeste and Remy smiled at each other. This was their first year at a summer camp.

It was heard that this camp was one of the best in the area. Everyone in the town of Rockwell has been there at least once. Celeste glances out the window at the people who already arrived.

"I'm so glad we're finally here!" Celeste beamed at her best friend. The bus suddenly stopped and opened its door.

As Remy let her friend get through the aisle she said, "I know right! I can't wait to meet people and especially the hot boys I've been hearing about." Celeste snorted at that. Leave it to Remy to talk about how she wants to meet a hot boy.

"Remy, you wanna find our cabin first before you meet guys?" Celeste nudged Remy's shoulder playfully. Remy laughed.

"Cel, it's never too early to think about guys." Remy threw an arm over Celeste's shoulder. The girls grabbed their luggage and sauntered over to the huge patio to get their cabin arrangements.

There were plenty of people standing in lines everywhere. Celeste pulled her friend over to a table with the sign "Girl cabins check in."
The lady handling the table had a stern look plastered on her face.

Occasionally she would roll her eyes when someone turned to go, after they got their arrangement.

"Damn who pissed in her coffee today?" Remy asked. They were getting closer to the front of the line as groups of girls started to exit.

"That lady?" Celeste slightly pointed out, not wanting to seem obvious. Remy nodded. Celeste tilted her head looking at the lady.

As they got near her, the name tag was visible. "Addy" was written in big fonts. "Addy" Celeste whispered. When they got to the front of the line, Addy glared at them.

"Names?" She questioned in a bored tone. Remy and Celeste looked at each other. Celeste spoke first.

"My name is Celeste Allenton."
Addy's eyes scanned through the list.

There were a lot of names and Addy didn't feel like checking. Frankly, she didn't even want to be there. To her delight, she found Celeste's name.

"You're in Cabin 22," Addy announced. "And what's your name?" She eyed Remy.

"Remy Michaels." Addy checked the list again and said,

"Cabin 24." Remy and Celeste immediately stated at each other then at Addy again.

"But we were told that Celeste and I would be roommates." Remy spoke out. The girls have never been apart since they first met almost 3 years ago. Addy's expression said enough.

Remy dragged Celeste along, not wanting to hold up the line.

"Remy, we aren't roommates what the hell?" Celeste groaned. Celeste didn't want to spend her summer without her best friend at least a foot out of reach. Remy sighed but hugged her friend.

"Cel," Remy started. "Maybe we need to be apart." Celeste pulled away.

"Remilia!" Celeste scolded Remy by using her full name.

"Hey, you know I hate my full name. And I was only joking. I love you but we're gonna have to deal with this."

Any other person would think Celeste was overdramatic but she really didn't want to make a new friend in the cabin. Making new friends wasn't really in her realm.

"Okay fine. I love you too but I'm gonna miss you like crazy even though your like 2 cabins away." Celeste smiled.

"Yeah I'll miss you too kid." Remy replied. They both grabbed their luggages, hugged one more time, and went off to find their cabin.

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