Chapter 12

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That morning, Remy was exhausted. It was almost breakfast and she decided to stay in bed. One of her cabin mates, Seelen checked up on her before leaving.

Remy was grateful Seelen was concerned enough to ask. She told her she was feeling out of it today and Seelen nodded, leaving. Remy huffed out a breath when she was gone.

Remy couldn't help but ponder if her friend was okay or not. Lately Celeste hasn't been responding to any texts Remy sent her.

Now she ran off without telling Remy a thing. Remy felt almost like physically Celeste was here, but mentally she was far out of Remy's reach.

Remy wanted to help but it felt to her that Celeste was becoming almost a stranger. She wanted to know where her best friend was now, but the thought of figuring out what's wrong puzzled Remy.

Remy hesitated before standing up. The thought of Dario broke into her mind.

"Why the hell was he in the woods when I was? I bet he was following me." She concluded.

"He's weird for sure. Ugh look at me talking to myself, when have I turned into such a weirdo?" Remy heartily laughed.

After she finished getting ready, she walked over to the lake. Sunlight reflected off the water, giving off a yellow hue. Remy dusted herself before sitting in front of the lake.

"Hey Rem." A voice echoed behind Remy. She whirled her head around to spot the voice. It was Emilio. He ruffled her hair, making her chuckle before taking a space next to her.

"Where were you these past days? I haven't seen you since we went skinny dipping." He asked her, picking up a rock and chucking it at her. She caught it before it hit.

"Nice reflexes." He complimented. She rolled her eyes.

"These past days have been weird. With my friend Celeste." She fixedly looked at the sky.

"What happened?"

Remy didn't even know. Everything was fuzzy in her head.

"Yesterday she ran off into the woods and I couldn't find her." She scrunched up her face.

"Celeste's probably okay. Maybe she had to clear her head." He glanced at Remy.

"And don't make that face again." Emilio pointed out, smiling.

Remy punched his arm. Emilio rubbed at the spot making a pained expression. Since Emilio was here, a question popped into her mind.

"Remember that time Dario first came and you said he landed your brother in the hospital?" She asked. The smile on Emilio's face slowly faded. A few seconds in silence passed. She chastised herself for even asking.

She knew it was personal but still asked.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked it-"
Emilio cut her off with his hand. When he dropped it back down he said,
"No I'll tell you." He picked at the rocks at his feet, launching them into the water.

Remy waited forever him to speak. After a long pause he responded,

"It was last year. Dario and my brother were talking about something serious, I still don't know what. I was in the car waiting because my brother was driving me home. Then I heard a hit. I wasn't paying attention to who swung first but all I knew was my brother was on the floor. While Dario was repeatedly pounding him." Emilio swallowed like the memory was hard to bring up again.

"And all I remember was me jumping out of the car, screaming my brother's name. Over and over. Dario must've noticed me then. He ran off before I got to my brother. His face was so bloody and his breath was heavy. He was barely breathing. I called the ambulance after."

"When they finished him up at the hospital, they told him he was required to go to the police station. Since it was clear he was attacked. Once we arrived, my brother refused to answer any questions."

"The cops couldn't do anything about it so we went home. I asked him why he didn't say anything about Dario. He just waved me off and told me it wasn't serious. I tried to persuade him but it was no-no use." Emilio stammered on his words.

"So I don't know what the whole issue was between them but," He shrugged, rubbing his eyes a bit. Remy moved closer and put her arm around his muscular built. He leaned his head on Remy's shoulder.

The sweet smell of his hair wafted towards her nose. They stayed like this for some time.
"Has Dario seen you yet?" Remy asked him, playing with his hair. Emilio shook his head.

"What happens if he sees you?" Remy wanted to know.
"Maybe he won't remember me or something." Except Emilio knew that wasn't true. Remy was timid if she could tell Emilio that she's been associated with Dario lately.

It wasn't like Dario seemed to like her anyways. "So you know how I said I tried to follow Celeste in the woods?" She let go of his hair. Emilio bobbed his head.

"So I got lost and a few hours Dario was there. He kinda helped me find my way out." Remy shut her eyes, waiting for Emilio to say something. He was silent. She turned his head so he would look at her.

His eyes rested on the small rocks he arranged into his name.

"Why the hell was he in the woods?" Emilio's eyes met hers briefly.

"Dunno. It was weird. Like he was following me or something."

Emilio dropped his head. Remy could tell he was thinking of saying something so she waited.

"So are you friends with him or something?"

Remy almost laughed. She knew her and Dario were far from it.
"What? Of course not ew. Dario doesn't even like me."

"Is that why he helped you get out of the woods? And you just followed him with no questions?"

Remy crossed her arms, moving away from Emilio to stand up. "You think I asked him to help me or something? I wasn't gonna stay in the woods and wait for someone else to get me." She retorted walking away from him.

Emilio got up, trailing behind her.
"I obviously didn't mean that, I just- look he's bad news Rem." He warned her. He tugged her arm from behind to stop her from walking.

She shoved him off, making him trip.
"I get it, he's bad news. I'm really sorry about what happened with you brother but, something's off about Dario."

She spoke while walking backwards to face Emilio.

"And I'm gonna find out." She turned her back around and gasped. She spotted Celeste coming out of the cafeteria, her face glued to her phone.

"I'll talk to you later Emilio." She waved to him, sprinting to Celeste.

Author's note:
Looks like we finally know what happened to Dario's brother. What's gonna happen when Remy talks to Celeste? Keep reading to find out!

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