Chapter 15

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After 4 hours the camp was on lockdown. Tiara, Mel, Janet, and Dior were all on their beds chatting. "I can't believe Tori was killed," Tiara said.

"Right like did someone hate her or something?" Mel replies, shaking her head.

"No she was so nice! Not that I really talked to her though." Janet slumped in her seat. Dior rolled her eyes, yawning.

"Okay she was killed and what? It's her fault for getting in the way of the murderer."

Instantly, everyone in the cabin scowled at her. Celeste who lay silently in her bed shot up.

"How fucking INSENSITIVE and STUPID can you be?" She bellowed at Dior. Dior looked taken aback for a second then flipped her wavy hair.

"Oh my gosh it was a joke, Einstein. You didn't even know the damn girl, Celeste." She inspected her nails, opening and closing her hand.

"That's not a joke, Einstein." Celeste mimicked Dior. She stood up, stalking towards Dior.

"And you know what? I'm so sick of you! Ever since I arrived at this camp, you've been such a miserable bitch!" Celeste felt her blood boiling.

"You're an awful person." She continued. Dior raised her eyebrows, standing up too.

"Don't you come at me." She jabbed her finger in Celeste's direction. "You're gonna learn to respect me you ungrateful bitch."

Celeste growled at that, taking another step towards her. The other girl watched glancing back and forth between the arguing girls.

"Respect you? You don't deserve respect! Plus you're just like the rest of us. Stop acting like an entitled little brat."

Celeste shoves Dior backwards hard, making her trip. "Ugh you stupid BITCH!" Dior charged at Celeste.

"Bring it!" Celeste lunged forward knocking Dior over. Dior tried to pull Celeste's hair but Celeste bit her arm.

She then proceeded to punch Dior's face repeatedly. Dior screeched in pain, kicking Celeste in the stomach.

Celeste tumbled over a little bit but ultimately caught her balance. Dior slapped Celeste across the face. Celeste groaned, clutching Dior's hair and knocking her in the head with her fist.

At that moment Tiara and Mel stepped in to pull them apart, while Janet cheered for Celeste. "Yeah Celeste! Beat her ass!" She whooped, jumping up and down.

Celeste smugly smiled, playfully blowing Janet a kiss. Tiara successfully pulled Dior away and Mel grabbed Celeste.

"Why are you guys fighting now of all times you could've fought?" Tiara asked, clutching a squirming Dior. Dior huffed out, fuming.

"Since she decided to call me a miserable bitch!"

Mel had difficulty containing an angry Celeste.
"You literally said Tori deserved to die! What's wrong with you?" Celeste screamed. Janet agreed.

"Yeah. That was low even for you Dior." Dior pushed herself out of Tiara's grip. Tiara immediately lunged for Dior but she put her hands up in defense.

"I won't touch her." Dior made a face at Celeste.

"She's not worth it at all."

Celeste laughed wildly. "You're just mad I beat you up." She grinned, sticking out her tongue. Dior shook her head, giving Celeste a withering look.

"Ugh you're literally so childish. Anyways I'm leaving, see ya." Dior turned the doorknob. Mel went towards her holding the door shut.

"But we're in lockdown you can't leave." Dior scoffed, pushing Mel out of the way. She held the door and glared at the rest of them.

"Try and stop me." Dior sneered, exciting the room.

Author's note:
That chapter was funny to write. I never wrote a fight scene so I don't know if it was good or not. Hope y'all enjoyed it though even though it was short🤷🏾‍♀️

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