Chapter 20

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Dario guided Remy into the forest. Immediately she smacked his arm. The memory of the last time she was in there, made her want to stay far away.

"Dario, I am not going back in there." She shivered, ceasing to a halt.

He rolled his eyes, grinning.

"I'm here Remy. You won't get lost." He said, gesturing for her to move along.

Remy reluctantly nodded, still apprehensive. As they walked, Remy recognized the branches and stray logs that she once came across. She stayed close to Dario.

"Are we there yet?" She nervously asked him.

"Ugh be patient will you?" Dario flicked at a branch trapped in his curly hair. "Besides we're almost there."

Remy could tell there was something hiding in the distance. An almost luminous shape was behind the bushes. She narrowed her eyes. When they got up close, Remy gasped.

Right there in front of them was a small lodge. The red and white bricks were aligned to assemble the exterior. Remy and Dario's reflection mirrored off the miniature window.

The wooden door was ajar. Dario smiled at Remy, walking to the entrance. Remy trailed after him amazed. "How'd you find this place? And how come I've never seen this before?"

Dario pushes the door open and held it for her to come in after. "The second day of camp. I was exploring the woods and came across this place." He answered.

Remy inhaled the oak scent as she entered. Maroon chairs were placed in the center of the room. Remy touched the rough texture and took a seat. Instantly dust wafted towards her nose, making her sneeze.

"God bless you." Dario said, peering at a glass shelf.

"Thanks, ugh that couch is dirty." She skipper over to him.

"Whatcha looking-" She stopped short. There were guns in cases on the walls. Multiple kinds of rifles, shotguns, revolvers, and pistols were shown off.

Dario grinned at the contrasting choices. "Cool huh?"

Remy stared at him appalled. Who finds guns cool? She took a step backwards from the shelf. Dario unlocked the bolt with a key in his hand.

Cautiously he opened the container with the pistol. Dario fingered the gun seductively. Remy swallowed a lump in her throat.

"What are you doing?" She eyed his expression. He didn't answer her. Dario lifted the gun up, closing on of his eyes. He pointed it to the back screen door.

Remy's heart pounded in her ears. She felt uneasy. "Why did I follow him here?" She muttered to herself in an undertone.

Dario spun slowly in place, the gun positioned securely in his hands. He paused when the gun was pointing towards Remy. She stared at the metal weapon.

Dario's eyes were dark. His finger grazed the trigger. Remy instinctively rose her hands up. "Dario." She apprised him.

He didn't speak. Merely positioned himself to pull the trigger. Remy shut her eyes, lips quivering. Dario smirked, finally pulling the trigger. There was a click sound. She heaved a breath.

"It's not loaded." Dario laughed, dropping the gun. Remy opened her eyes, astonished. Immediately she shoved his shoulder angrily.

"Dario! Why would you joke about that?!" She screamed at him, running towards the door. Dario clutched her arm, reeling her backwards.

"Chill out. Did you seriously think I would shoot you?" He asked her. Remy writhed under his hold.

"Just get off of me! You're a weirdo." She attempted to leave again but he blocked her path, standing in front of the door. Remy crossed her arms, averting his gaze.

"Why did you bring me here?" She waved her arm at the area. Dario shrugged taking a step closer to her. She paced back.

"You're annoying but tolerable. I wanted to show at least someone this cool place so...." He rubbed his neck. "I decided to bring you." He muttered.

She scoffed, leaning against the wall. "This place isn't cool. Who even owned this place? Leaving all those guns around?" She shook her head. Dario leaned next to her. He stared at the gun sprawled on the floor.

"I have no idea." He said. "And this place is cool. Come on, this place looks way better than the cabins at camp." He pointed out.

Remy pursed her lips. She had to admit other then the dusty couch, the place looked pretty neat. Except she didn't want to reveal that to him. Instead she pushed herself off the wall and sauntered to the tiny kitchen area.

A pendant light hung over the counter. Remy flipped the switch and the lights flickered on. Dario came up behind her, observing. Remy examined the refrigerator. It was empty.

Except for some mold building up around the edges. She gagged, shutting the fridge. "Let's go." He spoke up, already exiting the room. Remy took a glimpse of the place before moving.

Her eyes lingered to the isolated gun on the ground. "If you're not behind me in the next 30 seconds, I'm leaving you behind Remy!" His voice yelled for her.

"I'll be right there in a sec!" She called back. Remy sprinted over to the pistol. Swiftly she ran to the door, thrusting the gun into her back pocket.

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